Act of God it is then

Oct 02, 2006 14:51

They've changed my salsa class - there's no longer a class at my level on a Monday night.  I can still go to social dancing, but it's only an hour and doesn't start till 10 (and not like I 'll be learning much).  The other option is to work late and/or eat in town on Wednesday, and then go to the classes in the city centre, but again that would mean not coming home until after 11 (and I'm not sure I fancy working until 8, busy or not).

On the plus side, I've been offered some DJing at Green College's Back to School Bop on Friday night - will be good to catch up with some familiar faces and (subject to negotiations) will also mean I recoup some of the cost of my mobile phone.  Which is nice.  And of course the only way my hair will go up at the moment is in pigtails, which is highly appropriate for this particular theme.

The question is just how much effort do I make on my costume?  Bear the following in mind:
I'll probably go straight from work and set up/have dinner at college, and take stuff to change into (there's no way I'm cycling in a school uniform)
I'll probably be behind the bar at the decks all night, though given Rich (soc sec) is about I might get an hour off at some point.
Medic James will likely put in an appearance, so this might be the time to stage Part 1 of "Look what you're missing, sucker".

Must remember not to drink too much, as I'll have to cycle home, although I suppose I could just deal with that by getting a bus, now that they do late night/early morning buses on a Friday/ Saturday - that might be a plan.   But still, there's the small matter of getting up at 6 in the morning to cox, and going to the club's annual dinner on saturday evening too.  I suspect this is going to be a quiet week and anything but a quiet weekend ...

party, boys, dj

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