
Feb 03, 2006 16:26

It's been a fairly quiet week in work, and this afternoon K and I have found oourselves inventing work for 2 hours to see us through until 4. That said, I'm still feeling a little out of place - the fact that I overheard someone referring to me as the "young girl" in a scathing tone at one point probably didn't help.

News-wise the week is fairly quiet too, other than the fact that my rowers entered two races without telling me, including one at Bedford (which I've never been to. let alone coxed). Your typical rowing men's trick (women usually give you *some* information at least); although I suspect I should be grateful that they've told me now, instead of the day before. So I shall be racing on Sunday in Oxford, and at Bedford on the 12th.

I did go out for dinner before salsa on wednesday with some girls who have danced/currently dance which was great fun, and made class that bit more exciting. (Honestly, you should see me on a Wednesday afternoon - I'm like a child on Christmas eve)

As for the Disappearing Canadian, he's been in touch frequently by email, and is still very flirtatious, so I at least have that to put a smile on my face every now and then, however tedious the office becomes. (I still don't have internet access at home, which is maddening, but we're working on it, so hopefully it'll be sorted some time soon.

So, in nutshell, pretty routine week, nothing exciting. Next week we're going on an office trip to see Memoirs of Geisha, just the girls, as inviting our boss would be strange. (The plan is to invite him so he doesn't feel left out, but not until Wednesday morning, so a) he doesn't realise it's been planned and b) the liklihood is he'll be busy! Evil, probably; sensible, definately.)


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