Step-dad's family reunion...

Feb 16, 2009 09:38

This last weekend I went to my ste-dad's family reunion in Las Cruces, New Mexico...

...there was a lot of dust.

But overall it was actually quite fun. I enjoyed meeting a lot of my step-dad's newphews and neices. It was a small gathering, only about 20 of us...and it was for my step-dad's mother's 95th birthday...and all her kids, grand-kids, and great grand-kids.

About half the people there I had never met before...and the ones I did remember, well, it had been so long I barely knew them. But we all actually had a fun weekend. We did a few things, like going for a hike up into the mountains, and hitting the more touristy parts of town...

...but this was Lac Cruces, NM. A place most travel guides tell you to drive right on through.

After seeing it, I am putting it clearly in the "don't ever want to live there" column. There are no trees, everything is covered in dust, the food is really bad, and there is quite literally nothing to do.

But that was my extended weekend.

I had to drive back to Tucson last night...didn't get home, and to bed, until around 2am.
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