Doctor Who: So far ...

Apr 20, 2013 22:48

I'm not too crazy about Clara. Sometimes it takes a while for me to warm up to a companion, but I'm just not getting a feel for this one. I can't quite put my finger on why. Maybe because I don't sense any real chemistry between Doctor and Companion with Clara.

I'm also kind of 'meh' about the second part of the season so far.

[Spoiler (click to open)]I am enjoying the references and homages to Classic Who, like the Ice Warriors and HADS harkening back to Troughton, and tonight's blue crystal from Metebelis III and the Cloister Bell but -- will they actually reveal the Doctor's name at the end of the season? I've always felt that that was something the show should NEVER do, so I'm a bit worried. I'm trying to have faith in the Whovian Powers That Be that they'll pull a rabbit out of the hat ... but ... *frets*


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