Doctor Who fic: By the Stars

Feb 18, 2013 08:11

Hullo, Muses. Nice to see you again.

(Written for Fanfic50)

Title: By the Stars
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Pick a Doctor, any Doctor
Prompt: 34. Stars
Word Count: 310
Rating: G
Synopsis: Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. ~Marcus Aurelius
Disclaimer: DW, past/present/future does not belong to me. Just passing through.
Table: DW Table

The Doctor stood quietly, hands resting lightly on the TARDIS console as he waited for the inevitable conclusion. He'd been here before, of course - more times than he could count -- but he never tired of it. In fact, he rather looked forward to it. It was part of a centuries-old ritual.

“Oh my God! We're in SPACE!” exclaimed his most recent traveling companion in a voice of awed wonder. “Those are STARS! Actual SPACE STARS!”

“A spiral galaxy, actually,” the Doctor supplied helpfully, but his companion was too spellbound by the beauty of the glittering panorama beyond the control room doors to hear him.

So many of his companions had never set foot beyond their towns and countries, much less their planet. He was never quite certain what reaction to expect when introducing one first-hand to the vast beauty and mystery of the Universe. Fear, awe, joy, disbelief, anticipation? What did a terrestrial-bound species truly feel when all of Space and Time was suddenly vibrant, alive, and just within reach?

Rather a bit like borrowing a TARDIS and running away, I imagine, the Doctor thought and smiled fondly at the memory. Oh yes, he remembered well the first time he saw the Time Vortex on the ship's monitor, when Gallifrey and all responsibility lay far behind and lost from view. It had been frightening and exhilarating at the same time.

“Are they real?” The new companion turned briefly to regard the Time Lord with hope tinged with doubt. “Or am I dreaming?” Unspoken lay the question that no one ever seemed to ask but everyone clearly thought. It was always there in their expression or within their eyes. Are you real?

The Doctor reached for the controls that would launch the TARDIS into the Time Vortex and with a joyful laugh replied, “Let's find out!”

doctor who fic, fanfic50

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