Drabble: Star Trek TOS

Mar 24, 2007 09:12

Switching fandom hats, another drabble for stories_100.

Title: Tinker, Tailor
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Characters: McCoy
Rating: G
Words: 100

Sometimes he felt more like a tailor than a doctor, stitching together damaged organs and flesh like torn cloth on a haberdasher's mannequin. There was a time when the analogy was horrifically appropriate; when doctors literally sewed their patients together with needle and thread. Despite all their medical advancements, the human body remained a fragile tapestry of flesh and blood and bone that could be easily damaged, requiring a skilled professional to keep the whole from unraveling.

If a tailor failed to repair a garment, he might lose his wages, but if McCoy failed, the price was paid in blood.

trek fic

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