Well holy shit...

Aug 11, 2008 13:53

People still blog nowadays, I'll be damned.

Well, I'm not sure a whole mess of people care, but here's a recap of my life since I graduated and moved into my own apartment.

Lost my job and had to move in with my Aunt and Uncle in Leroy, NY.

Became a carpenter for several months before working at the local McDonald's.

Attempted to join the Air Force, only to find that I am "Temporarily Disqualified" due to a perforated left ear-drum.

Moved back to Erie County, specifically Cheektowaga...with my father(kill me now), to begin work as a security guard and begin College.

Finalized 70% of my first year at ECC North Campus. My major is Electrical Engineering Technology. Raise a hand if you're surprised.

Began dating Kathleen Savage, and, after two weeks ended that relationship.

The week that followed the above mentioned failed attempt at love opened the door to one Amy Newton. Truly an amazing woman, we have been together for two months.

As of this very moment, August 11th 2008 at 2:00pm, I am many things. Horrified and excited about school, horny, and about to be late for work because I am typing this.

Feel free to comment one and all (but likely not that many).

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