Update: I moved

Dec 28, 2005 16:08

The move went quite well. Lots of things to complain about though, but things are improving a lot (The shower curtain finally got changed thank goodness. It was a health hazard =P ), but i'm having problems setting an internet account up. It apparently costs 75 pounds to install a phone line (I'm using a US keyboard it seems. No pound sign @_@, I don't want to search through the char map for it =P ). I can't afford that at the moment, since I still don't have a job, and since I've moved I've had to get my job seekers allowance and disability living allowance transferred to the cambridge branches, which could mean a slight delay in payment. Also the place I moved into is unfurnished, so I had to buy everything I need myself (Fridge, microwave, toaster, frying pan, bowels, plates, utilities, knives and forks, etc etc). I also have to buy my own food (no more leeching off my parents XP, though having said that, they still give me some money for food every now and then O_O; ), and I had to get a mobile phone so people can contact me (As it's an important time for me at the moment. Interviews and such as Addenbrookes Hospital to finalize things for the course i've enrolled onto. It looks like i'm going to be a data input clerk, which seems interesting. They use a large database file, which retrieves files off an external server. They apparently call the system they're using H.I.S (Pronounced HISS), which was originally designed as a temporary system for a week or two, but they ended up using it for the last who knows how many years, because the funding was pulled away from the IT department before they could get a proper system in place (Pretty bad huh?). So now that the database has got so big, things are starting to fall apart, and it apparently broke down over christmas. They're recovering and restoring all the information, and everything should be back up and running before I join, but talk about timing eh? XP ).

I've had a lot of fun though, despite missing the internet, and having no TV (Can't afford to pay for a TV license, which means no consoles either ;o; ). For instance, I bought some new games for the PC (cheap ones mind you, but fun never-the-less. Lucasart ones, bwhaha. Monkey Island 1 & 2, The Dig, and some other classic rpg games like that). I also now have MarioKart for the NDS ^o^
(Though even now, I still don't understand how you do the turbostart ;o; ).

I've decided to go for NTL (Cable) again for my Internet, instead of what I originally wanted (ADSL), because I'm getting desperate for the Internet again. This unfortunately means a shared medium in the centre of town (slow rates), and NTL have also capped the bandwidth on their users just recently, which means I could lose the internet early during the month. Though I plan on limiting the download rates and bandwidth for programs when I get online, so I can try to stretch the amount of bandwidth along the period of a month as much as possible (Though this means I'll end up paying a lot of money for practically zero speed =_= ).

Once I get a job, or have more in my account, I'll then try to shift from Cable to ADSL, but for now NTL will have to do ;o; (If I hang on until march/may, I'll be able to go onto Bulldog anyway, which means an 8Mbit connection without any bandwidth caps ^_^ ).

I haven't yet applied, but I plan on doing that after this email. Oh and I also managed to retrieve some of my old numbers and text msgs from the SIM Card (Contract) for my old mobile phone (Which was stolen. I had just changed it to Pay as you Go when it got stolen, which is why I still have the old Sim Card. Unfortunately it couldn't store that much, so I get less than half the stuff back, but it's better than nothing =P ).

I've set my router up, but haven't sorted out the security stuff on it yet (such as the SID, and the encryption key etc). I plan on doing that when I actually plug it to the Internet or something.

I've been cutting it very close financial wise. I might of even dipped into the red for a few days, but I won't know until I get my statement. I knew it'd be more than usual initially, but I didn't think it'd end up costing me this much. On top of that Orange have decided to charge me the full contract amount for less than half a month, and then instantly charge me the following few days for the next month all in one go. 2 months worth of phone bills in the instance of one week, during the one period I really can't afford. I'm doing my best to budget myself, but it's pretty hard. I guess this is how students feel =P

On that note, my mum has presented an interesting proposal to me. She said if I start working at Addenbrookes now, i'll have to start at the bottom end and work my way up. That's all fair enough, but apparently if I got a degree, I could start in the middle of the ladder and work my way up to being a manager (To be a manager, you apparently HAVE to have a degree, but the good thing is it dosn't matter what it's in, as long as you have one. Which seems kind of stupid to me, since anyone could get a degree in philosophy if they wanted o.o ). I have the right kind of Qualifications to go to University and get a degree, though not in the IT section. Mum suggested English, which i've always been good at, or something else (I guess Philosophy or Psychology wouldn't be bad to go for), though I'm not really sure what i'd use them for. Also it'd mean more years put into Education again, which has as so far, completely failed me. I'm also already 22, and if I go for a degree it might be hard to get a job still even with the qualification due to my age. I'm not sure what to do =/

Oh btw, I went to the Cinema and watched Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire. I thought this was ok, better than the first one, but it's still not all that great or amazing. In fact, considering the films have magic in them, I have to say I'm very very disappointed with the Harry Potter series of films so far. They could of easily done so much better =/

I also watched Narnia. Which was good. It's one of the very few films based on a classical story, which actually appears to go at it's correct pace and rate, right up until the war, which is then rushed like all the other modern day films do. There were a couple of things they changed which annoyed the hell out of me, but apart from them it was good.

I had a good Christmas. I came home for it, and got loads of money. Once I get back home, i'll deposit it all into my bank and sit back as I no longer need to worry about my finances for a while ^_^;
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