Meme: Twenty Things...

Sep 17, 2005 05:28

The mission, should one choose to accept it:

List 20 random facts about yourself, and keep track of how much time it takes to do it. Then tag as many people as the number of minutes it took to list the facts.

1. I was born in Syracuse, NY.
2. My favorite food is chicken, especially breaded.
3. I'm fairly pushy in temperament, though am oddly enough something of a coward too.
4. I'm allergic to bee stings and nuts. Especially nuts.
5. I'm a romantic to an almost silly degree.
6. I wish I could write fiction well.
7. I'm addicted (almost literally) to role-playing games. Especially collecting.
8. I prefer chocolate much more than vanilla.
9. I prefer a spartan decor--it's less distracting.
10. At the same time, I get twitchy if I don't have _something_ making sound in a room.
11. I liked Jonas almost as much as Daniel. And think Mitchell is a worthy replacement for Jack.
12. I really miss old action movies. Modern ones seem to either be bloody with nothing else, or try to be socially conscious/have lots of 'meaning'. Whatever happened to fun?
13. Guy Gavriel Kay is my favorite author.
14. I just finished reading _Prodigal Son_ by Dean Koontz. (It ruled, by the way.)
15. I sometimes miss college, and hope to go back someday.
16. I'm a flash game addict--especially EBaums, MiniClip, and Newgrounds.
17. I never watch anything on television--except movie stations and Scifi.
18. I sometimes find it frustrating when people who insist they're open-minded act like anyone who disagrees with their opinion must be evil or stupid. Other times, I just call them 'young'.
19. I hate my migraines.
20. I really miss owning a cat.

Timed to: 10 minutes (that was harder than I thought.)

I don't pass on memes via mail. If someone wants to take this meme, do so.
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