a meme and some other stuff

Oct 14, 2007 22:06

Today I finished the line art of the Link drawing I posted a few days ago. I think it's one of my better fanarts so far though I already see lots of mistakes. Oh well. I tried my best. Haha. large version or you can see it at DA. Now I have lost all my motivation to color it. XD

Nintendo has delayed the release date of Super Smash Bros Brawl to February 11. Oh noes. We were so keen on getting the game while we're in US. I guess I'll just preorder it and ask my bro to send it to us later.

I'm still keep track of the Burma situation, and not surprisingly the monks have "disappeared." Also, key activists (some from the 1988 protest?!) have been arrested by the junta despite the pressure from UN. This shows how much those military bastards care about what the whole world thinks. There were also reports of an activist killed while being "questioned."

Ok, on to happier topics... Tagged by bob_artist.... Write ten things off the top of your head that make you happy. Spread the love, tag ten people to do the same.

1. Friends and family - Members of my family say the cutest things at times, like my dad has declared bro's cats as members of the family when he mentioned those who went home for Independence Day (the "two cats"). My friends, old and new, in real life or online, have been lovely, and I have lots of fond memories.

2. Food - I live to eat, not eat to live. I love cooking and eating with people I care about. Many of my best memories are associated with food.

3. Animals - Mr. Niblets and Bonnie are entertaining, but I love animals in general. I think sometimes I like animals more than people. Seeing random creatures outside amuses me. For example, yesterday after lunch at Nuri's, we had to make a turn on the road so we turned into a driveway. I noticed from across the street a dog who noticed our car. I said, "Hey, why is that dog looking at us?" Then, when we turned and starting moving again, the dog continued to watch us and started to follow us. Speaking of animals, here's an article about rare China tiger.

4. Thunderstorm - We had some fantastic thunderstorms in PA, and I love how the sky turns into the weird green color or all dark before, during, and after the storm. We used to go outside after the storm and play with the water rushing into the gutter.

5. Traveling - I found my independence and love of traveling when I went to Greece for field school and later as an archaeologist. To this day I still have great friends from the dig and very fond memories of those experiences. Now I love going to new places and learn about the culture and check out lots of local cuisine.

6. Art and drawing - It's such a huge part of my life. I can't imagine not drawing or at least appreciating art. Drawing has helped me cope with the bad times, and because of drawing I met Wid. :3

7. Games - It's fun. :D

8. Seasons/odd weathers - I love seasonal changes, except maybe winter because it's too damn cold. I also love seeing odd weathers once in a while because they're so unusual. Unfortunately, seasons here only consisted of hot/rainy and not so hot/dry. It really mucks up my perception of time.

9. Reading - A great way of escaping into a different world, not that I'm running away from anything right now. XD

10. Time alone - I love quiet time to myself, and I can entertain myself quite easily. I think it's leftover from when I was a little kid.

I won't tag anyone even though I am curious, but if you want to do the meme, be my guest!

games, art, not net

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