more work in progress

Oct 12, 2007 11:47

Silly me started another drawing when I'm supposed to be doing the pic for the exchange. At least it's actually on my list of to do. Originally, I wanted something to practice drawing night scene as well as light from a specific light source, but then I don't know what happened. I had a couple of thumbnails (the middle one was the first) of the same idea done, but it's looking like the large version won't be following the thumbnails. I really wanted Link holding a lantern, but in the end I think maybe a shield is better because it'll look more action-y. Maybe I'll just add a poe lantern up top though the usual fire keesee would be nice too... XD

Like the Sheik pic, it'll end up being on multiple sheets of paper. The left arm is on another piece of paper, but I might have room to fit the right arm. The lower half of the left arm is larger than the rest of the body because I'm trying to get a more bottom to top perspective. I think after I fit in the right arm, this will be more apparent. The arm guard made the arm looking more bulky than I wanted. I also need a lot of practice with drawing face at that perspective, which is why I chose that angle for this pic. Originally I added a more realistic looking eye, but it looked really strange so it's back to the anime eye. I noticed something weird--all my TP Link in green tunic pics have him facing left. XD Still have to figure out how to draw the left hand. I really hate people wielding swords.

I'm starting to get bored/annoyed with my rough pencil lines, so I'm thinking about inking this pic except, instead of the usual brush pens for this size, I'll use my B22 for extra thin lines though I think this pic will benefit from some line variations. I'll probably end up drowning the lines because the focus for this pic is the colors, not the lines. I'll be doing a fully inked drawing soon enough anyway.

I almost feel guilty doing so much fanarts this year so I'll probably switch gears soon and try to work on original stuff... or not. XD I'm just glad that I actually draw regularly instead of like last year.

In other news my brother finally got a Wii!!!!!!!!!! I wonder how he managed to get one. We'll be bringing our remotes with us so we can play around Thanskgiving. :3 I guess we'll be playing Mario Party or Wii Sport since his gf likes Mario Party. I need to spam him Miis of he and my sis I made. And of course he was supposed to be getting TP tonight. :D

art, not net

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