If I haven't yet I'd like to say thank you to those of you who answered my question regarding cell phones from some months back. I'm still using the phone I've been using since 2008. It's the second cellular phone I've ever owned. I used my first phone for over 10 years. I wonder if that's some kind of a record? I kind of miss the heft of that thing sometimes. Most of the time though I'm kind of glad I no longer carry a phone that requires a belt holster to carry it comfortably.
I bought my brother a
WikiReader for his birthday. I found them on sale for $20 so I bought two, one for him and one for myself. Figured if nothing else I might be able to do something interesting with it. It's a nice device for the price. I wouldn't want to pay much more than $20 for one though.
My posts here during 2011 were few and far between. I think I may have put more verbiage on Twitter last year than my LiveJournal entries in total. Would anyone reading this be interested in seeing more frequent posts from me this year? Is anyone still reading my entries for that matter?
I'm currently reading Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford, Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food by Jeff Potter, and A Sparrow Falls by Wilbur Smith.