Let me show you the new pokeymans

Jun 17, 2010 13:07

Allo. Some new Black and White stuff came out, so let's do the expected and point and laugh at the new Pokemon.

These guys are old news by now but I'll comment on them anyway, though my opinion is in agreement with the majority on the starters - fire pig = meh, water otter = haha WHA?!! and grass snake = least offensive, and I like his eyes. I like his internet nickname, "Smugleaf". Actually, I'm really keen on this dude now, he's cool.
But really, that water starter, too much going on there. Will be interesting to see where they take the snowman design after evolution, though.

Chiirami. It's normal type, did you guess? A bland, average cliche cute mouse thing. Is it this gen's Rattata? I actually loved Sentret and Zigzagoon though and they were 'Rattatas'. They were a little more imaginitive than this. It's a chinchilla though.. so.. damn, I have to give it points for that, noone hates chinchillas.

Munna. This animal is born with a floral print. They call it the Dream Eater Pokemon, and it has a little trunk nose - so what does this evolve into, Drowzee's faaaabulith cousin? Psysquab, the Effeminate Pokemon. Ability - Interior Decorate. It does look like it'd be good to sit on when you're tired from journeying, though.

The Gear Pokemon Giaru. This has been done a fair bit in monster collection things, so they could have made them a little more detailed, like Hagurumon (Digimon). They might evolve into some cool looking clockwork monster though.

Mamepato. At first I was like :|
I mean, it's the normey common bird Pokemon, did they have to make it grey? But somehow this guy has grown on me. The little color he does has is nice, and at least he looks alert - "howdy, chaps!". He's a pidgeon, so they could call him something cutesy, like "Pidgey".
...oh yeah.

Another one that made a "Zwuh?!" initial impression but that I quickly warmed up to. He's sort of whack looking but I kind of like the daruma doll styling and squishy Donkey Kong combo. Cool flaming eyebrows.

Shimama, an electric type zebra. I like this guy, he has style. I remember a fanmade Pokemon that was a sort of counterpart to Girafarig that looked similar to this. I bet they're flailing wildly to this right now.

Meguroku. Laaaaame! They think up the cool concept of a ground/dark Desert Crocodile Pokey and then waste it on this nerdy  binocular-faced design?

The legendaries were revealed a while ago but now we have their types, and their secondary types are quite surpising. Reshiram, the 'White Yang Pokemon' is dragon/fire. I was thinking steel, 'cos his butt is a turbine. Of course he's white because he's Yang, but perhaps his flames are white-hot. I still like this guy, though he does sort of look like he was plucked straight out of Dragon Drive.

Yeeeeah man. This is what I'm talkin' about, the Black Yin legendary Zekrom. Even his name sounds cool. He's dragon/electric - I thought he'd be rock or ground, as he has a sort of stone gargoyle look and his tail is a drill for piercing the heavens digging underground.

Might as well comment on the trainer designs, too. Boy is nothing special but he's fine. The girl is really cool though, dammit why was I born male, the girl characters in R/S/E and D/P/P were good too. Doesn't matter though because in the end they become a smushed chibi sprite anyway and the boy's simplicity actually turns out to work better that way. Gold/Silver male is still my very fave anyway though so yay.
....Umm, but did she stuff Klonoa down her shorts or something?
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