Apr 10, 2010 18:37
Back. Have mostly cleared up the myriad of computer issues making me steer clear of LJ. Actually, it was either here or Fecebook* that I got this malware from in the first place. A popup saying "you have eight thousand viruses, download this thing to clean that up" showed itself, and of course I didn't download that but the fact that I got the popup at all made me paranoid. But Malwarebytes (the only program that actually found offending files on my other two computers that also had problems) freezes midway through a scan of this comp so who knows. Anyway I backed up everything and so now I don't even really care what happens to this computer. For now I'm just gonna use it for LJ and Fecebook. I do important stuff on a different computer I know for sure is safe.
*Yeah, I 'use' it. My friend signed me up to it without my permission even after I'd said not to when he asked if he could (because he uses it and he couldn't bear not to have me on there too). I only have that friend and a bunch of dicks from my old school on my list there so don't bother adding me if you also use Facebook. I don't post anything worth reading there anyway.
So what am I up to these days? Watching a heap of anime and reading a bunch of manga (trying to catch up on stuff I've had on my list for years), playing Persona 3&4, Sonic Classic Collection, Klonoa (Wii) and Pokemon Heart Gold (as well as a little Sonic and the Black Knight which I finally bought because it was at a price that wouldn't make me regret the purchase once it gets frustrating), watching the final season of Lost and yay-ing that Fringe is back, wishing I had friends (so damn ronery here). Also I'm trying to save more money than usual as my brother and I are looking at whether jointly buying a house is feasible or not (banks worry that we're employed as casuals, and so the next step if to ask our employers if we're classified as 'casual casual' or 'permanent casual' so to speak).
Alright, I have a bunch of stuff on my to do list that I'm gonna see if I can churn through but I'll try to be around and catch up with you all in the coming weeks.