Dec 16, 2009 16:29
I am at the airport waiting for my flight. Huskies do not like airports anymore. I used to get so excited about traveling. Now i just feel bleh and can't wait to get to my destination. ... and dog damn posting from my phone is a pain in the pooper :p
As I get older as I find myself hanging out more and more in the frequent flier lounge thingers. Maybe I just like being able to sit quietly in the corner, read my book and consume enough booze to make myself comfortably numb and fall asleep after boarding the plane.
I kinda miss the old days when every time I jumped on the first leg of a flight it meant 30 hours of traveling through various airports around the world to get to my destination. Though I guess in all honestly these days I am glad I don't have to do that anymore. I wonder if this means I am getting old and grumpy :o
One thing that hasn't changed and I don't think I would ever get tired of... the feeling of being pushed back into the seat from the acceleration as the plane roars towards take off. Especially on short runways were they have to really hit the thrust hard to take off in time. MOAR POWER! :D