Free Falling Baby;-)

Jul 20, 2006 14:58

On July 15, 2006 a little after 7:00pm I went skydiving for the first time. I say for the first time because it won't be my last. This is something that I have wanted to do since I was a kid. In part, because of growing up with my step father who was a skydiver. I loved listening to his stories and looking at the pictures of him jumping. I think that this is also just something that I wanted to do. I can remember watching movies with skydiving in them and always feeling excited at the sight of it.

This is just not one of those things that people will encourage you to do though if they find out it is an interest of yours. If anything people discouraged me from doing it. Some fearful of something going wrong and some (who’s finances were entwined with my own) who just thought it was a stupid thing to spend money on unless you were sure you would like it. How can you be sure of anything? I mean is there a possibility that I could have done this same jump somewhere else and hated it? It is a very slight possibility, but if it had been a really terrible day and I was not feeling well at all… sure… there is a possibility… maybe;-) Also, if someone who didn’t want me to make a habit out of it followed me around making me question things that could sour the experience. However, I wished for the opportunity to come along where I could do this for the first time with people who wanted to go and would enjoy themselves. Got my wish;-)

So, I jumped and people can tell you how it is going to be, but until you do it you just won’t know. The part I was most nervous about was the feeling I would get when I stepped out of the airplane. I had heard that you didn’t get that stomach dropping feeling like in a rollercoaster which is totally true, you don't. I was worried a bit that the dropping part might feel out of control, but it didn’t. I didn’t even really pay attention to the dropping part. You’re not dropping past anything so how are you to judge. If you just enjoy the experience that is really not an issue. Next time getting out the door won’t even be on my mind. What to do once out the door… that’s what I want to concentrate on next time... using the situation to its greatest advantage. Did I say that this was a totally awesome experience that I highly recommend to anyone that has seriously entertained the idea? Well it was and I do!

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