Nov 25, 2010 01:08
[Being back home all of a sudden was a pretty strange thing, considering Ed wound up somewhere not far from the Northern base. Hands in pockets, he is incredibly unimpressed about trudging around in the snow, and without his red duster, he's a lot harder to spot.]
[Ed has made it to a town and he's tired, wet, cold and hungry. He walks into a cafe, breathing hard and holds up his watch, to get food. A short, young man, with a long braid and a state alchemist's watch...naturally soup and coffee are brought to him. He's sitting and eating quietly. Halfway through his meal, however, there's a crash as two soldiers storm into the cafe. He does quite a little start and he tries to bolt. There's nowhere to run, but back so he jumps up, rather rudely on the counter and then behind, while the soldiers give chase.]
[It is noted that Ed has escaped for now, in a strange alley-type place where an alchemically formed wall is protecting him from a barrage of shouting and moving around. He listens and then sinks to the ground to think. If he's not in Inaba, there's a reason for it, so communication with Naoto and everyone is out of the question. He plays with his phone idly and then realizes it's on and snaps it shut. Two hulking figures are coming up behind him.]
[Hey they were chimeras! The three of them are sitting in an abandoned shack now, Edward listening and nodding to some information while he plays idly with his watch, which is essentially useless.
Through the door, suddenly comes Ling! Or Greed rather, but Ed greets him with a smile and a wave and the video cuts out again.]