The week in short.....

Feb 09, 2008 16:11

So TAFE has started this week, my overall impressions of the first week. The class is perfect, my attitude in regards to not aiming to make friends and really only caring about studying is working well, I'm in a class filled with lots of nerdy Asian kids, international students and not too many preppy, let's have fun kids to distract me. It's not at all lonely, I'm right next to the city and honestly, I can do my shopping, buy lunch and play (DDR) Supernova in my lunch break, which is great because I'm starting to get fat and lazy, also playing Guitar Hero so much that I can complete Expert hasn't helped at all. The course is proving to be one that I honestly think I'll have little problems as long as I don't slack off.

There is only one main problem with the course atm and that's the books, I'm required to fork out $300 on Accounting books ASAP. I wanted to follow my brother's idea by buying them off Ebay, but the editions being sold are too old and some of the books aren't that much cheaper and possibly more expensive after shipping. The huge problem is that I don't have a job, yet, although this could change any minute soon actually.

While I had a whole bunch of hospitality type jobs fall into my lap, the main ones I tried for fell through and I decided to look into data entry, I did a few typing tests and found that on a good day I can get 88wpm corrected. Unfortunately despite what is quite a very excellent speed, it hasn't resulted in any jobs yet, since the tests I've been asked to do have required me to use the numpad, something I'm not exactly familiar with. I'm aiming for 12,000 keystrokes per hour, this is equivalent of around typing a number on the numpad every 0.3 seconds on average. I got 8600 kph on my first test and failed my first job trial, 10800 on my second test and they gave me a retry for getting quite close which I completed around 15 minutes ago. On my 3rd test I got further and typed more keys but if it's enough, well, I'll see it's going to be close.

Me and Amanda caught up on Friday and watched a few Horror films, Dead Silence being a pretty alright horror film, although it was a nice warm up to Hostel 2. Having not seen the 1st one, I must say I was in for it, I honestly found it even harder to handle then Saw 3, which is saying quite a fair bit. It required a bit of Lucky Star to wash out what was one very warped movie, which left Amanda confused as hell. Went to The Court, it's really bizarre to be in a gay bar, personally I felt very uncomfortable not because I'm homophobic (that would be extremely hypocritical of me actually), just that I find it unnerving how much worse gay guys are when it comes to hitting and picking up on people even with little alcohol in their system, having said that I had an ok time despite being very tired from a lot of sex with Amanda beforehand. It was also funny to see Amanda absolutely trashed of half a Smirnoff black again, bwahaha.

It's great to see me and Amanda's relationship going well and as I said despite the fact it's really the make or break month in this relationship there seems to be little wrong or that can go wrong, enter next month and there's a few interesting challenges that lie ahead or heck even coming up very soonish. The money situation is getting closer to being resolved and the friendship situation is somewhat working out better but I'm realising that I think that the damage done is proving to be quite irrepairable. Quite simply I'm realising that there is unlikely to be much point in trying to mix Amanda into various friends, this isn't meant to be taken as a bitch but quite simply I can simply see this has the potential to prove quite troublesome in the future.

It's not all one way traffic, Tara is likely to return to Perth in the near future and despite all the fighting between her and Amanda, I've ended up bonding and becoming quite close friends with Tara. While I'm definitely understandable of Amanda's point of view, I personally don't intend to give up Tara as she has been an excellent friend and despite the shit, I personally lean more sympathetically towards my friendship with Tara simply due to Amanda's past in regards to my friendships. This will cause plenty of problems and will prove to become a bitch to compromise with.

Having said this the relationship is fine, I'm just starting to realise that basically this honeymoon period once again is not going to last long and is certainly going to be one hell of a test to definitely get through the next few months though.

In other news, I'm getting my first trading account next week, which means I'll be picking up my first shares, the whole idea of the volatile stockmarket doesn't scare me, I've got a few good tips and strategies to concur some of it and am still keeping a decent proportion of my money in the bank. I should be making a good start on my finances. The bonus of this, this only just increases my knowledge in the financial sector immensely, which is why I'm finding my accounting course an absolute cinch since there are a few people in my class struggling already.

Mindless Self Indulgence is less then a month away, fuck yeah!

ps. Current track = best happy hardcore track ever ^^

tara, ebay, amanda, messed up, bar, accounting, twisted, interview, gay, typing, school, tafe, smirnoff, test, work, horror, books, friends

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