Happy Easter to most......

Apr 07, 2006 22:57

Woah, it's been one hell of a week. First of all, I'm feeling a lot happier in general, while it could be thanks to another week of riding poisonous chemicals into my system, the majority of it has been the re-unitation with something I loved so dearly returned to me, my car. It was whack getting behind the wheel of it again, in the first 15 seconds, I hated it, but I fell in love with it back again, as weak as it may be, it's inability to do more then 300kms on a single tank, the fact it's pretty cruddy looking, but hey, I had my Next Gen (happy hardcore) CD cranking up on the freeway and realised how much I missed this feeling.

I felt so happy to finally have it back to me, I don't know why, but it felt like my happiness suddenly returned, it was freaky, it felt like a part of me had returned and I felt complete, well not complete, I'm still sleeping all by myself at night, but that rant can't be saved for another time and repeated many times over as usual. It's scary to see my bank account almost touching $0, but I'm working a record 50+ hours this week, possibly 60, oh dear god, no days off, lots of insane amounts of work. My social merely consisting of praying people get on MSN if I can get off work early and living of all of my friendslist.

Happy easter to all, well most of you except........

Telemarketers, we all hate them right? I think it's pretty safe to say we all do, it's marketing going extremely invasive, we all hate advertising but unfortunately it's the way this world is made, it's a highly corporate world where image is everything and getting that image out there means everything, no matter what, the method or telemarketing in terms of sales is on a level lower then door to door salespeople or pop up internet ads. It's a very highly inefficient sales tactic in terms of success, lets face it, while you can offshore labour and get special discounts for making so many calls, a call centre isn't exactly something we all would just splash out on for fun.

I'm very proud of the australian government stepping in with a radical new plan to have a special list which you can sign up on to ban telemarketers calling you up, any telemarketer calling this list will be fined up to $20,000. Awesome, but I do fear that as a national law it will only effect those call centres here, I'm all up for having Australian call centres be banned for contacting me, however will that stop various call centres across Asia getting to me, I fear that it won't.

As tempted as I am to yell abuse at telemarketers, I don't. You see telemarketers don't call you up for the joy of harassing you, they call up because they are on the corporate leash to make as much money as possible for a horrible disrespectful corporation that will stop at nothing to leach mine and your hard earned money away from you for some apparently amazing deal or thing you can't live without. Especially in the case of the call centres in the 3rd world countries, quite a few of these are making these calls not for the love of the company, but because sadly this is what they have to do to feed their starving families. How does meat get on your table? How did Iraq get freed from Sadaam Husseim? How did man land on the moon? How does she get that wonderful figure? How do billionaires get so rich? Sometimes there are just horrible, horrible ways to achieve such great things, it's tragic, oh so very.

At the end of the day, maybe we should look to these terrible companies, who will stop at nothing to get your money, no matter what it'll take. Maybe, maybe. But you know who's at fault here? WHO IS THIS STUPID FUCKTARD THAT BUYS SHIT OVER THE PHONE?! Seriously, if nobody would buy shit over the phone they would stop calling us. Sadly the products sold are of a very high value, to be more precise profit, so they can get away with a success rate of less then 1% and still profit. But seriously, gain some fucking self control whoever you stupid fuckheads are. As I've mentioned there, this wonderful and amazing deal, comes at a very expensive rate to get a success rate, you're not 'beating' the company here with their so called great deal. You're my dream person I want to go out with to be honest, because it sounds like you can be convinced to do anything and I certainly could use a new pet, I mean girlfriend. XD

EDIT: Few other random facts, the fines are up to $220000 actually, sweet. It doesn't include non-buisness purposes like surveys or religious chatter, fuck and apparently the industry is worth $9 billion?! Who the fuck contributes to this industry?!

A rant against the cops, like that's new. But this whole incident with my car crash has made me really wonder how great the police/justice system really is. I mean, is our system really towards criminal justice or revenue raising? I find it really freaky that nothing and I mean nothing was done towards my car accident an actual accident, they virtually were of little help and chucked my paperwork into, eh, we'll do it later. It seems like they're a lot more interested in tracking and hunting me down for having a slightly lead right foot.

By no means am I encouraging speeding here, not at all, it's dangerous, increases the chance of a crash and causes greater injuries. My point is that, in many cases the police are constantly trying to arrest those who are driving a bit too fast in a straight line. Statistically and honestly, this shouldn't surprise anyone, most crashes happen at intersections, it's very hard to get into a car crash on a freeway, actually few major ones happen there compared to the terrible shit at intersections.

What's really getting to me is just people's driving skills in general. I'm a big analyser of this, this week, I'll be spending possibly 24+ hours on the road, I see a lot of terrible shit on the roads. Speeding is barely a contributor to accidents, it's fucking wankers who can't drive for shit, running red lights is the fucking worst way to get into an accident, try targeting that better cops, honestly. Indicators exist for a reason too, use them it gives people warning you're slowing down, rather then people slamming the brakes down hard hoping not to hit you, the more people behind a person who does this, the worse the scenario can get.

Also in terms of speeding, the case of West Coast Highway to Marmion Road is a wonderful example of stupidity shown by a few drivers. They speed through the 60 zones and when the speed limit increases to 80, they don't go any faster, it would be nice to see some people use their fucking heads and realise that if you want to go fast there's a place to do it, try to get that through your heads. Also save your heroic shit for the track, unlike video games there ain't no reset button here, save it for there.

To the cops, if you think speed is all that matters, take a fucking trip to Germany, home of the autobahn, freeways with no speed limits and it's virtually fine. As a matter a fact, fly everyone to Germany, make everyone do 40 laps of the Nurgburgring Nordschlaife, at the end of it you'll have learnt some real driving skills, possibly shown off that you have balls and also, it would be awesome to see the pathetic people who think they can drive be shut down permenantly into the metal barriers.

Doubleview, is home of some nice houses, close to Stirling train station, 10-15 minutes away from the city, close to Karrinyup and Innaloo shopping centres, it got it's name by being a suburb where you can see the city one way and the beach the other way. However that only applies to about 5 square metres of that suburb literally actually, it's filled with dodgy people out on the streets at night, I was scared shit to hear the name constantly mentioned in crime stories twice within two days, including a serial killer suspect, eek. Worst of all, nobody in the suburb can drive....

Tonight..... I was trying to indicate I was turning right to do a U-Turn towards my work, a car is closely following me while the left lane is totally freed up within the 500m visable behind and in front of me. I slowly brake, this guy chooses to stay in my lane, obviously I presume he was patient and willing to wait for me, he sped up.......

My mind reacts in an absolute panic thinking back to last time, if only I continued to accelerate, car at a stand still, I get myself back to Drive gear from Neutral, accelerate as quickly as I can forward.....

A loud gust of wind howls, I was within one metre of a repeat nightmare...... Half an hour extra past my shift, this time right in front of my work.....

All I can say, there are too many fucktards out there who think they're so skilled because they can push their foot all the way down to the floor, wow, that turns me on greatly, I wish I could be like that. Fucking pussies, you're absolutely fucked when you have to react in a situation like this, thank god I have fucking quick reflexes, all I can say, I'm glad I spent all my time trying to completely pass Wipeout on the Playstation instead of doing my homework, that's for sure.

Things get worse later this week, very bad camwhoring once I have the time, but just too overloaded in work and looking too sleep deprived, nooooooo. In other news, got a haircut and finally showed DJ Lethal the horrible Limp Bizkit sample, hahahahaha.

Did I mention I'm happier now. XD


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