Sacrifice for a new life

Dec 22, 2010 22:30

Seeing 3 high distinctions on my results sheet was an amazing sight and has been one of the most important achievements. To explain in short, I have vacation work intake mid 2011, sort of like a trial and these are the last grades I will receive before then, considering that many were failing or borderline passing, I'm definitely leading the way, since only around 10-15% get in. 90% of full recruitment comes from that trial period, if you don't complete this trial period, there's literally less then 1% of a chance to get in.

Hairlucination shut down for good, no more time and I've moved onto Neko Nation. I'm very excited about Neko Nation for numerous reasons. First of all, I'm finally putting on my own event, which is something I've had on my to do list for around 6 years, I thought this was never going to happen but I had a massive helping hand from an unlikely source in Adelaide, who went above and beyond to help me this event happen. I'm excited to work in the anime scene in comparison to the alternative scene, I've got one huge blog post coming up on why this is the case. Also this is based around possibly my most favourite event ever, Tokyo Decadence, so more importantly I'm doing this because I'm going to have lots of fun and gain great satisfaction out of an event like this being done.

I had the huge contemplation of moving in with Milleh and to be honest, I was more and more comfortable with the idea as I've really come to enjoy and like the idea, which is really saying something considering, I really do need a lot of personal space. It was likely to happen a week or two ago but now I've almost buried that idea. I'm not moving in with from what I've gathered pretty bad housemates. They're awesome people but the reality is, they don't clean up that much if at all, they fight a shitload and they're not as 'motivating' or as 'interesting' as I'd like.

To clarify a few things, I've dealt with fighting couples before, over the most stupidest shit, it's not one I want to go through again, the last time it happened was messy because I was right in the middle, these two I'm not close enough to care and neither is the fighting logical at times. Once uni starts, I will be needing peace and I doubt this house will give it to me. I also need motivational people around me, I can't merely have 9-5 people, that sit on the computer all day, I need people who have a little bit more in their lives, some motivation, Josh was a perfect example of someone who could provide this, I was always interested and intrigued by what he did and if I can't get that from another housemate then I will barely be engaging with them to be honest.

I've managed to scored work experience at Diabetes WA, I've working as a CSO (corporate services officer), which has a pretty nice ring to it. I'll be honest, it's a bit draining doing this and ANZ plus working in multiple bar jobs at the moment but it's a a necessary sacrifice to create a killer resume and it filled possibly my weakest section in my accounting applications. However I'm enjoying the challenge, it's an interesting and unique experience there's a lot more focus on achievements and small goals, rather then just fulfilling productivity and monetary objectives. I thought it was a cheesy thing to say when my supervisor said that "this type of work is good for the soul", but I can honestly say it's true, it's a lot nicer to know that your job isn't about making people richer but making other people's lives better.

Really need to get on top of updating this thing more often.
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