Full Focus

Oct 08, 2010 10:59

As usual, busy as hell, 2 months without a post, wow.

Tomorrow should be interesting, I've got an accounting test, there's no better way to celebrate the end of the week with work at night and an accounting test in the morning, on a more serious note, despite the studying done tonight, it's a good chance to see how well I'm really doing in accounting, pretty confident, confident I can pass even without studying (it's called doing homework and revising which 90% of my tutorial class can't grasp) but it's probably a good idea to study anyways.

Uni has been interesting, it's a bit down that I don't have friends anymore but it barely bothers me as I've got a competitive approach to uni rather then trying to 'enjoy' the uni life as such. I'm on a HD in everything at the moment, so hopefully I can keep this up to the end. The competitive approach I felt is necessary, there are probably accounting jobs for maybe the top 20% of people and I'm really surprised at the level of some people who are here, failing an open book test for a basic maths unit? Seriously, if you struggle with maths that much then why on earth are you studying accounting?!

Rest of my life is pretty busy, what job shortage? Made 3 changes, a reapplication, scored extra work and a new job as well, people will criticise me as 'lucky' but if you have the skills and know where to look, I can't say it's luck over the past year or two. Sadly, I might be losing a job due to overperformance, which is a bit sad in the short term money wise, but in the long term for good contacts on my resume, this is looking good.

I'm looking to see if I can free up a bit more time in my life, while I do miss hanging out with my friends, I can't say I'm dying from the lack of a social life at the moment, it's just part of making sacrifices and I feel that I'm on a completely different mindset compared to other people at the moment. However, there's a few things I'm looking into getting into personally, looking at replacing my car, getting into investing after I finish my finance unit and I'm thinking about taking a Formula Ford car for a spin on my birthday.

Oh and I have F1 2010 as well, absolutely awesome game, lots of fun and for me it's struck a chord balancing the realism and fun factor for me at least. Especially since I'm slowly starting to get into ITG, after my knee has only really started recovering recently too.

Got two massive things happening in my life over the next few months, I think both will definitely shock people a fair bit, will announce more once the time has come, it's still something I'm thinking about.
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