(no subject)

Apr 20, 2009 20:14

I'll get to Adelaide in another post with lots of pretty pics, to be honest, that will be a big post alone, now for the other stuff.

First of all, I officially moved out of Josh's place on Friday and back in with my mother now. Honestly, there is absolutely no difference between when I lived here before moving out and moving back in, the only difference is that I have a bit of a different view on what it's like living here making a comparison to Josh's. The main deal was just how shit is really was to move everything, the worst part being the bed, especially my pathetic attempts to drive a ute with manual transmission, I may have a manual license but that doesn't mean I can't stall in the double digits within a couple of minutes! Damn hills. XP

To be completely honest, I'm way happier here, financially and also in terms of personal space as well, it's working quite well for me to be honest, Josh was an awesome housemate but living with friends can really put a lot of stress on friendships, however I can say that things will be really good with us in the next month once Mikura gets settled in. (The one replacing me over there)

There might be millions more cheques going around thanks to that stimulus package but I'm being given the absolute minimum hours, even today, one of the busier days and the first day I've seen in ages where 4 people have been absent too. I have every right to think in the back of my mind that my job might be gone in May-June since this is like Bankwest over again, FiServ (Commonwealth, Westpac, National, etc.) is likely to be in the same position rather then trying to apply.

Mood towards this weekend was weakening, since I've been suffering badly from depression and I decided that with everything else going so perfectly well in life it may have had something to do with finding it difficult to loosen up and just go out and have fun. I got invited to the Rise, which I dreaded a bit at first (I have a huge thing against a lot of people and their views there) and also trying to do quints on In The Groove is a bitch, which involves hitting 5 arrows, with your feet, hands and knees and trust me, I have so many bruises and a lot of pain in my knees from this, *cries*.

Even though I went to see Tara, I did get to meet her and see her new boyfriend which was great, although I generally go with the whole idea for myself and have fun dancing (because there's only so much interesting conversation you can have with most people at Rise). It was Hard Wars, so there was awesome music and I've taught myself a pretty cool new individual style of dancing (for the love of good, I wish people would be more individual and stop this whole, I either stomp, shuffle or dance to this genre only bullshit) and just be more open and have fun.

The highlight was seeing Ryan, one of my friend's who works at Timezone, easily one of the coolest guys I know so it was great to catch up with him and to have a lot of fun staying till the end of closing at the Rise, despite how horrible and painfully hard it was, we did it. Got back @ 7am and my weekend was far from finished. I had mega amounts of fun with him, that's for sure.

Despite dropping half the night before, I resisted the temptation to do the whole mopey, miserable depressing do nothing on my comedown. Ate till I exploded played lots of pokemon, ITG, sorted out almost everything with Josh (mainly dropping the keys off) and still went to Emma's birthday, which was a lot more then I could say about a lot of her friends, which proved to be quite a disappointing showing from their part. Overall though, I got to catch up with Emma, Megan and Adam, which was great and honestly it was one of the better gatherings I've been to this year. To the point where I overstayed a bit and didn't get home till 3am, confident I would have no problem with getting up for my flight @ 12:30. Too bad I found out as soon as I got home it was 10:30am and I didn't have any bags packed or accommodation sorted.

As for other things I made mention I was aiming to become much fitter and I have managed to clock up around 27kms of running in my first week, half way through my second week has seen 0 so far, no thanks to a busy schedule but a lot of stomping in ITG, Rise and Adelaide has made sure things are constantly going well there. Ended up doing some research as well, reality is that it's about patience and I'm best off looking for any job I can at the moment, let the experience come in when I hit uni and right now, looking for some back up jobs might be a good idea.

Most important thing however overall, while I'm planning to introduce all these changes, it's been a period where it's been important to learn how to have fun and keep in balance with going further in life. I've honestly felt a bit lonely in recent times and it's been nice to know that I've got friends who miss me and definitely want to hang out with, just my schedule makes this a bit tricky at times though. Wasn't a weekend where 'much' was done but it was important to realise the importance of happiness and recovery is something that will have an effect in everything else done.

Oh and yes, Adelaide rocked, next post on Adelaide. ^^

plane, josh, fitness, recovery, running, recession, house, adelaide, goals, dancing, moving, ryan, emma, social, work, depression, rise, happiness, itg

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