I think maybe I should post some stuff.
Been going to the gym, been doing stuff in the garden. Though, I haven't been being quite as religious about the 3x/wk routine. (thinking about swimming tomorrow morning though.)
For example, I went Mon and Wed last week, ditched on friday, but then spent close to 3 hours on Sat. moving bricks around, and 90 min at H&B's on Sun. digging up weeds and planting some stuff for their house going on the market. Went to the gym this morning, and ended up with pretty close to a full workout.
I have a annual physical on Wed, which should go pretty well, though I wish I had made more headway on the weight loss front. The blood pressure meds I am on seem to be still necessary, at least for the time being, and holds my HR down by an easy 20 bpm when I am working out. I can get up to 130 pretty easily, and maintain it there. 135 is harder to get to, and 140 is something I can only get to at the end of a 20 min stretch on the elliptical. So, essentially the 130 is really 150bpm worth of effort. (220 - 34[age] = 186[max hr] usually goals are in a % of the max number, so a 150 equiv. is 80% of my max hr. not too bad. :):) )
Also things seem to have calmed down for friends and family.
- Linda G's tumors are all but completely gone, so she has been taken off of treatments. I had lunch with her today, and she seems back to her old self. Very good to see.
- [Redacted] is doing better, though it will be a long road.
- Very happy for friends with happy news, you know who you are.
- H&B are working on upgrading their house stuff, so anyone looking for a house in Regent Sq., let me know I will put you in touch.
- I was told by someone at work that I didn't look old enough to have a husband, only a boyfriend. She was SHOCKED to hear D and I had been married for 7 years, let alone that I am 34.
- Mad Men S2 has begun, and whoo boy. It's filled with anti-hero goodness. I love me some anti-heroes.
- My brother has been canvassing No.Va. for Obama.
- Chimney dude (#2) scheduled to arrive at the house next Saturday at 9am. Hopefully we will get an estimate this time.