content? maybe?

Mar 09, 2007 18:55

ergh. long week.

Managed to get to the gym this week 3 days!

but damn if I'm not feeling it. using the stair machine instead of the bike is definitely a increase workout.

I did mention to my Doc that I noticed that my HR decreased. This is all well and good. Expected actually. The question that I had for her was during my workout, where previously I could have my HR at about 135-40 max, I now have a tough time even getting to 120, let alone maintaining it there. Do I push myself to get to previous high, or do I accept the shift, and change my target range? Apparently it is the latter.

That being said, stair machine gets me to 128 pretty consistently. So, I feel pretty good about that. I needed to increase aerobic bits anyway.

I also managed to win at the online shopping, black zipper jacket, micro-dot skirt, and full leather skirt, all for $40+tx/shipping. Jacket and leather skirt look awesome. the other skirt is a bit too small for me at the moment, but is pretty and cute, so I will keep it in the 'optimist' pile. I wore the jacket to work today, and it was really awesome looking.

Eh. There are some people who I almost can't even read what they write, they annoy me so much. Some that I know, but most are famous people. Not quite sure what the qualifier is...

oh yeah.. being an asshole.
anyways. it's none of you guys, don't worry. Just thought I would share. :)

I am really glad that the shit has hit the fan finally with the Walter Reed facility. It's been an open secret for a long time that the system is broken. Do I think the shit will actually get fixed? Not really, but it is nice to see actual high ranking officials being punished for poorly run facilities.

random, gym, politics

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