goodness, an actual livejournal post. but dont get excited, its not very interesting, i wanted to get some thoughts out of my head, but they will likely be far too emo, mawkish, irrelevant, and lengthy to be of any real interest to anyone else. So! i have created a handy cut tag thing
wahwahwah )
'Strom fell off the radar for me last year. Too much time, brainpower, money and transport logistics to figure out, and I never really felt like I "settled in" to the system like everyone else seemed to have done. LT is off the radar for me this year as well (impending babies play havoc with your schedule). Odyssey left me pretty cold after the first event, and reports that most of the broken stuff remained broken in the second event.
Still, next year - when you're better and I can pry myself away from the sprog (or bring him with me, I guess), we should Play a Thing. Empire, or some one-shot things, or a bit of tabletop somehow. Something. It'd be good to see you again.
would be ace to meet up
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