Round Seven - Author List

Jan 30, 2012 02:08

No anonymous entries, please!

a) Check your own ‘profile’. Tell me if there’s something missing or you want to change/add anything.

b) Choose THREE authors (no more, please no less)

c) Reply to this post with your requests (max. 3, one per author). Comments are screened.

- Author ##

- Author ##

- Author ##

The average request is:
Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in.
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too.
Things you want: setting, timeline, quotes, specific objects...
Things you don’t want: characters, pairings, angst, fluff...
Extras: highest rating, genre...

Make sure the request fits the author.

- If you agreed to be available to write back-up fics, THANK YOU!

d) Yes, you can have the same request for two (or the three) authors.

e) I’d like your replies by Sunday (5th) night.

f) The ‘official deadline’ is April 19th. However, you can email me the link to your betaed story and I’ll link to it from the masterlist. (Due to broken links in the old masterlists, I'd like you to post a copy of the story at cya_archive)

Happy Choosing!

I delete authors from the list as they get four fitting requests, so please make sure your choice is still up for grabs before you post - or I'll tell you to choose again. Thank you!


Author 07

01) Genre(s): Humour, action, romance (slash), real family, gen, dark, dark/humour
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Angst, femme-slash (not anti-, just not my thing)
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Xander first and foremost. Also Giles, Spike, Dawn, Faith, Cordy... I slash Xander with a variety of different people
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? Will write others, but Xander is easiest. Will not write Buffy pairings, tend not to write het or femme-slash except in passing.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... hmm... An uncommon Xander pairing (slash or gen/friend/family) Crossovers are fine.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes (have written Xander/Riley, Xander/Graham)
08) Slash Pairings? Yes (m/m)
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes (have written Xander as Angel's son, with an alternate 'cure' for the loss of Angel's soul.)
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): No/highly unlikely.
11) Crossovers? Yes. Ooh... the list. Stargate, Harry Potter, Firefly, Sherlock (BBC), NCIS, Anita Blake, Pitch Black/COR, Fast & Furious, it goes on...
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Have done a number of Halloween stories (they're always fun) and prefer to work in Seasons 1-5.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Kennedy, Anya (will sometimes, but not a great fan)
16) How long would your story be? ~3000 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in between

Author 08

01) Genre(s): Gen/Angst with a dash of romance.
02) Genre(s) you do not write:Fluff/Comedy/Crack
03) Highest rating: R, probably
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Illyria, Wesley, Connor, Drusilla, Angel. Wesley/Lilah, Wesley/Illyria, Wesley/Faith, Wesley/Angel, Wesley/Connor.
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? It depends... I'm a newbie writer, so I'm not sure.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Wishverse vamp!Willow/vamp!Xander, the Fanged Four, Xander/Anya, Connor/Dawn, Drusilla/Connor, Aud/Anyanka/Anya.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Yes, either
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): No
11) Crossovers? Potentially Firefly or Dollhouse. Firefly: Wes, Lilah, Angel, Spike, Illyria, and/or Drusilla in a future setting. Dollhouse: Adelle, Dr. Saunders, Echo, Priya, Alpha, preferably during S2 or Epitaph era.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: AtS: post-series; post-NFA clusterfuck; S4; under Jasmine's reign; S5. BtVS pre-series.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? AtS primarily, maybe BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Wesley/Fred romance, Wesley/Spike, Buffy, most Willow het.
16) How long would your story be? Probably closer to 1000 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Writing anything is a challenge for me, so keep it simple.

Author 09

01) Genre(s): Pretty much everything
02) Genre(s) you do not write:
03) Highest rating: Maybe R but usually pg - pg13
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Spike, but I'll take a crack at anyone (and have)
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? I'm somewhat flexible (see below)
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be...
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Yes, but I'm not good with the explicit
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): sure
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): no thanks
11) Crossovers? Doctor Who, Star Trek, X-Files
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: seven for B, five for A, but that's most likely cause they're the most recent. I'm flexible and can do any
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? I could
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Buffy/Angel; Fred/Wes
16) How long would your story be? less than - 1000
17) How much do you want to be challenged? in between is fine. Don't hurt me.

Author 10

01) Genre(s): pretty much anything but my specialty is angst/romance
02) Genre(s) you do not write: all out fluff can be difficult
03) Highest rating: any, depends on the story needs
04) Favorite characters/pairings: angel and/or buffy
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? others depending on the story
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... buffy/faith
07) Unconventional Pairings? not normally
08) Slash Pairings? yes
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): yes
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): no
11) Crossovers? no
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: any
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? more on the btvs side
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? sure if needed
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? i'll write anyone is small doses but gunn and spike are difficult in terms of voice for me. fred also.
16) How long would your story be? as long as it needs to be
17) How much do you want to be challenged? in between

Author 11

01) Genre(s): Most Everything
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Slash (I have but very rarely)
03) Highest rating: Anything
04) Favorite characters/pairings: Giles/Buffy Giles/Anya
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? Only those
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... n/a
07) Unconventional Pairings? See #4
08) Slash Pairings? No
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): Yes
11) Crossovers? I have with Boston Legal before Denny/Alan as friends.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Any
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? NO
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Buffy/Spike
16) How long would your story be? Any
17) How much do you want to be challenged? In between

Author 14

01) Genre(s): Romance, Angst, Darkfic, Humour. I'll also write pretty much any kink, and I'm willing to write tragedy/major character death if you want it.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Super-sugary fluff
03) Highest rating: NC-17.
04) Favorite characters/pairings: Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Faith, Buffy/Spike/Faith, Spike/Faith
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? I'd also write Buffy/Giles or Anya or Xander gen (preferrably minima; focus on Xander/Anya, though).
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Buffy's my little black dress, so if you've got some crazy rare Buffy/someone pairing you want written, I'd try it out.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Except as listed above, no.
08) Slash Pairings? F/F yes. I generally like all slash, but I don't really have any two Buffy-verse male characters I'd like to see together, so probably no M/M.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Definitely. I love a good 'what if'
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): No
11) Crossovers? Yes, I would. Doctor Who or Firefly would be the main ones I'd try with this fandom, I think. My main Who pairing is Doctor/Rose, but I'll seriously write anything. For Firefly it's Mal/River, Simon/River, Mal/Inara and Zoe/Wash.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Earlier seasons or even just slightly prior to the start of the show are preferable, but I will write later seasons. Preferably not post-show, though, and in particular I have very little knowledge of the comics.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Spike/Xander, Spike/Willow, Dawn/anyone, any of the potential Slayers.
16) How long would your story be? Honestly, it depends on how inspired I am. My average length is probably about 2000-5000, but I'd happily write anything up to about 15000 if the right bunny bit.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? I love a challenge. The stranger and scarier your request, the more likely I am to be to be inspired and to stubbornly dig my heels in and insist to myself that I'll write it, with one cavaet: please don't request anything that requires the bashing of any of the main characters (even including Riley, LOL), because I refuse to do it.

Author 17

01) Genre(s): Gen, Romance, Angst, Crack, Humor, Crossovers
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Slash, threesomes/moresomes, incest, dark!fic, tentacle porn ;-)
03) Highest rating: NC-17, but I’m definitely not married to that. Overall, PG-13 is probably what I write most often, but I have and will write any rating.
04) Favorite characters/pairings: Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Faith, Willow, Xander, Anya
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? I am willing to include any other BtVS character for a gen story (except Kennedy). I’m not as familiar with Angel canon, so no AtS characters.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Characters: I’ve never written Spike or vamp!Harmony. They could be fun. Pairing: I’ve never done Spuffy, I’d be willing to take a stab at that.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Prefer not to
08) Slash Pairings? No, with the exception of Willow/Tara
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes, I have zero problems with straying from canon
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): No, doesn’t interest me.
11) Crossovers? DEFINITELY. I love crossovers, they are my preferred medium. Supernatural is my favorite to crossover with the Buffyverse. I very, very much ship Buffy/Dean and am also up for Sam/Faith or even Sam/Dawn. I’m also willing to do something cracky, such as a crossover with Community, The Office, 30 Rock, or Glee.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Any season, but 6 & 7 are my least favorite as far as canon goes, although I’d be happy to do something that takes those seasons into AR territory.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No - not familiar with it
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Character: Kennedy; Pairings: Buffy/Angel, Willow/Kennedy
16) How long would your story be? ~2500
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in-between

Author 22

01) Genre(s): angst, humor, gen, romance, I dunno - a lot?
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Prefer not to do H/C that includes graphic torture, violence, slavery, rape, incest
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favorite characters/pairings: Spuffy (and other BtVS characters - not as good on Angel characters except in very small doses)
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? I've done some Spike/other, Spander, Spangel and pre-Spillow stuff, oh, and Xander/Faith, and Gethan
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Angel/Faith? Maybe?
07) Unconventional Pairings? Some I would, some I wouldn't... see answers to what I won't write
08) Slash Pairings? Yes, m/m
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): No
11) Crossovers? No - (I've done a couple of crossovers with Torchwood, but I think they pretty much exhausted any interest I had in doing more)
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Doesn't matter for BtVS, season 5 for AtS More BtVS than AtS (unless it's season 5 and Spike is around)
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both?
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Yes, if that's where it went
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Spike/Dawn, Spike/Joyce, Spike/Riley, Buffy/Xander, (as pairings)

16) How long would your story be? Hard to say. They tend to get away from me sometimes.*g* I'd probably try to keep them shorter than 5000 words, but no promises.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? First time trying this - better stick with something simple. :)

Author 23

01) Genre(s): Romance, Gen, more than anything else.
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Not really anything. Sex?
03) Highest rating: R
04) Favorite characters/pairings: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Fred, Cordelia, Anya, Dawn, Tara. Pairings: Buffy/Xander, Willow/Xander, Dawn/Xander (spotting a trend?)
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? I'd definitely be willing to write others.
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Nothing off the top of my head.
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes.
08) Slash Pairings? No.
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes.
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): No.
11) Crossovers? Yes. Veronica Mars, Harry Potter, any other fandoms I'm familar with.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: I'm not picky.
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS, willing to write AtS.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Probably not.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Other than slash, nothing.
16) How long would your story be? Over 1,000 words, probably under 10,000 words. Maybe as high as 25,000.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in-between.

Author 26

01) Genre(s): Gen, Angst, Het, Femslash
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Fluff
03) Highest rating: R
04) Favorite characters/pairings: Faith, Willow, Cordelia, Angel(us), pairings: Faith/anyone, Willow/Angel(us), Willow/Xander, Cordelia/Willow, Cordelia/Wesley, Cordelia/Amgel(us), Angel(us)/Darla, Angel(us)/Spike
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? I am willing to include others
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Angel(us)/Drusilla
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Yes, primarily F/F
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): No
11) Crossovers? Yes, with Supernatural (Dean/Faith), Dollhouse (no specific pairings)
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Probably anything from Seasons 1-3 of Buffy
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? both
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? No
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Buffy/Joyce, Buffy/Dawn
16) How long would your story be? Minimum 1000 words
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Give me something simple

Author 27

01) Genre(s): mostly everything
02) Genre(s) you do not write: mpreg
03) Highest rating: any
04) Favorite characters/pairings: Giles/Jenny, Spike/Dru, Willow/Tara, Buffy/Angel, Angelus/Darla, Xander/Cordelia, Xander/Anya, Wes/Lilah, Connor/Dawn, Connor/Faith
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? if possible
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Angelus/Spike dub con
07) Unconventional Pairings? Points up Connor/Dawn, Connor/Faith, have written Connor/Buffy
08) Slash Pairings? I consider Willow/Tara canon rather than slash but yes willing to write it, I’d consider the Angelus/Spike dub con
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): yes
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): no
11) Crossovers? I’d prefer not to
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: BtVS seasons 1-5, Angel seasons 1, 2 & 4
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? either
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Nope, never read them
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? I am not fond of slash in this verse, Buffy/Spike or Spike/Xander
16) How long would your story be? no clue. Probably closer to the low end this time
17) How much do you want to be challenged? I haven’t written in this fandom in a while, be gentle.

Author 29

01) Genre(s): Pretty much everything
02) Genre(s) you do not write: Not necessarily a genre, but I won't write non-con
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Buffy/Angel(us), Willow/Spike
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? Buffy/Angel(us) is my OTP, but I'm willing to write anything but Buffy/Spike
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Buffy/Faith
07) Unconventional Pairings? Yes
08) Slash Pairings? Both, depending on the characters/pairings
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): Yes; I usually write AR or AUs
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): Yes
11) Crossovers? Harry Potter, X-Men: First Class
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Season 1-3 or 5
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? BtVS
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? Probably not; I haven't read the comics save for the first 3
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Buffy incest. Buffy/Spike, but I might try Buffy/Angel/Spike
16) How long would your story be? It depends on the prompt. I usually write between 1000 and 5000 words.
17) How much do you want to be challenged? Something in-between, though crack prompts are always welcome.

Author 30

01) Genre(s): Romance, Angst, action
02) Genre(s) you do not write: horror
03) Highest rating: NC-17
04) Favourite characters/pairings: Angel/Faith, Angel/Willow, Spike/Willow
05) Do you only write those characters/pairings and don't want to write anything else? Don't mind Xander/ Cordy, Wes/Fred, Fred/Spike, Wes/Kate, Xander/Buffy, Buffy/Riley
06) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be... Wes/Kate
07) Unconventional Pairings? Only those listed above
08) Slash Pairings? not for BTVS or AtS
09) Alternate Reality (strays from canon at one point): yes
10) All Human (no vampires, no Hellmouth...): no
11) Crossovers? Yes, Harry Potter. Fave pairings: Draco/Luna, Harry/Pansy, Harry/ Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Luna, Cedric/Luna. Would be happy to cross pairing, i.e Spike/Luna, only character I do not change the pairing with is Draco. He is my fave character and would be happy to use him as a central character.
12) Episode/season you would focus in it'd be: Anything with Spike
13) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both? mostly AtS- happy to do AU to include Spike in earlier angel series, or perhaps bring Team Angel into Sunnydale.
14) Would you include the comic-canon into your story? haven't read them.
15) Characters/pairings you do NOT write? Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tara, Buffy/Giles
16) How long would your story be? would depend on the challenge not less that 1000 though
17) How much do you want to be challenged? simple to something in between.

30 Rock - Author 17
Anita Blake - Author 07
Bones - Author 19
Boston Legal - Author 11
Burn Notice - Author 02
Castle - Author 25
Charmed - Author 25
Community - Author 17, Author 21
CSI: Miami - Author 25
Doctor Who - Author 03, Author 09, Author 14, Author 21
Dollhouse - Author 08, Author 21, Author 24, Author 26
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - Author 28
Fast & Furious - Author 07
Firefly - Author 04, Author 08, Author 14, Author 16, Author 21, Author 24
Glee - Author 17
Grimm - Author 24
Happy Endings - Author 21
Harry Potter - Author 07, Author 19, Author 23, Author 24, Author 29, Author 30
Hercules the Legendary Journeys - Author 18
Heroes - Author 19
NCIS - Author 07, Author 25
NCIS LA - Author 25
Parks & Recreation - Author 21
Person of Interest - Author 25
Pitch Black /COR - Author 07
SG-1 - Author 25
Shameless US - Author 21
Sherlock (BBC) - Author 07
Star Trek - Author 03, Author 09
Stargate - Author 06, Author 07
Supernatural - Author 05, Author 06, Author 13, Author 16, Author 17, Author 18, Author 19, Author 24, Author 26
The Big Bang Theory - Author 25
The Office - Author 17
The Vampire Diaries - Author 18
True Blood - Author 19
Veronica Mars - Author 16, Author 23
X Files - Author 06, Author 09
X-Men Movies - Author 02
X-Men: First Class - Author 29
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