This is a 'CHALKFULL OF SPOILER' Deathly Hallows Post!!

Jul 22, 2007 05:23

I solemnly swear that the events of the final chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be wiped completely clean from my memory bank.


Simple really, because it is by far the cheesiest most ‘d’oh?’ and WTF-eth moment in book history I have ever read!

J.K, you really disappointed me with this. You lied and disappointed me. I have a right mind to not read the book ever again, if the rest of the book was delightfully delicious (and with some D/H and awesome Malfoy family insertions too--take that abuser!Lucius ficcers!) but you had to go and spoil it :/

I don’t pretend not to be the most anti-climactic person when it comes to majority opinion, and I share this view once again. I loved 99 percent of the book, but the last chapter completely spoiled it for me; leaving me with an intense feeling of…WTHWASTHAT?! Were you so strapped for time that you settled with a clichéd, half assed, sorry excuse for an ending as such? Did you succumb to peer pressure with all the HPHG/HPGW shipper wars in the world?

Would it be morally or financially of me to tear out those final few pages. The book WAS 109MYR so I doubt my mom would be too happy about it. Pity…my hands are seriously itching to do some damage.

Herewith really begins the spoilers!

MERLINSPANTS!!! You killed Fred, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Lupin, Colin AND Hedwig!! That’s a tad more than the two people you claimed, eh? Just so, though :/

Not to mention the fact that you have done only to strenghten my resolve that Dumbledore is by far, the stupidest, most dumb-assed asshole, two bit of a wizard to have ever raced the pages of a book!

Although it may not come off as such, I really did enjoy the book a whole much as one can when the words start jumbling together, Harry was awesome. Harry's duel was beyond awesome, the final fight on a whole was just AWESOME...but the last chapter was just...AAAAARGH! This is what expectations you have when you read too much fanfiction. I hate 'Many years later' ending plots in fanfiction, and this book has proven that I don't like them canonly either.

Did I mention that she killed off 5 PEOPLE AND AN OWL?! ... and DOBBY!! SHE KILLED FRED!! In the immortal words of Molly Weasley: 'DON'T YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!' with imphasis on the last bit >:/

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