Oct 06, 2012 07:11
I'm ridden with anxiety and worry lately.
A few weeks ago when at the pediatrician's office for Bailey's corneal abrasion, the pediatrician asked about Bailey's communicative and behavioral skills. Only having one child, I don't really have any other kids besides her to compare to.
And.. the number one rule is not to compare to other kids, right?!
She's very bright - SHE CAN READ for Christ's sake - but a little slow in making sentences and definitely has a few communication and behavioral problems. But I thought it was typical 3 year old stuff. The doc mentioned concern that Bailey may have Asperger's (in case you don't know, high-functioning autism).
Ben was in denial at first and was very angry that the doctor would even suggest something like that and I honestly never thought of anything like that but the more I read up on it, the more it seems to fit. We are having her evaluated on November 15th.
I'M HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME WITH HER THESE DAYS and I'm totally breaking down. It makes my heart WRENCH to think that my beautiful baby girl with such a bright mind could be "different" and has such difficulty when it comes to certain situations. I know that whatever it may be is not a label and it will only help HER and us with her moving forward but it's scary to have so many paths to look down before you have a diagnosis.
Ben says, "Don't worry until we know something." But I would rather be prepared and have a clue as to what may need to happen to help her out.