iss still some stuff on cgp worth reading...

Jun 07, 2010 13:25

Steve Pellinen wrote a great post on the NASPA/WGPO thing. i have lil or no hope for the future of tourney scrabble given the landscape. As the dinosaurs fade away, the evolution of generation next will be marred by the lack of a historical perspective. dess fucked up, but so izz MANY more MUCH more important things..

Ben Withers closed his proNASPA commentary thusly:

My personal choice is to participate in NASPA events--primarily because I
think we need to be unified, because I think NASPA has a sounder business
approach, and because I think NASPA is considerably more likely to survive.
Others are obviously free to make other choices, but for heaven's sake, can
we get away from the petty bickering and character assassination?

Within the body of his post, Ben lauded Chris Cree's efforts on tourney scrabble. THAT, more than his closing, prompted me to privately respond to Ben with the following:

petty people will do petty things...

i like much of what i know about Chris Cree as a person. i do not JUDGE him (or anybody else, regardless of the degree of familiarity)--i WITNESS him. The NEGATIVE of that which compels him is outweighing the POSITIVE. Consequently, his mistakes are outstripping his achievements.

Even though you are a tad older than me, i'll tell you a lil story--like old men often do--before i go...

When he entered the room on the last day at the Superstars tourney, John Williams was given a standing ovation by everyone ELSE in the room. As i sat there looking the other players, i thought how could they POSSIBLY salute the man who was singularly responsible for inhibiting the growth of tourney scrabble. The answer is they either did not know such was the case, they did not care, or--WORST of all--they did not care that they did not know.

welcome to planet earth...


Marlon Hill
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