Mar 06, 2012 02:40
i noted in carl's leaky thread dat i RECENTLY experienced FEAR. i live in da hood n i generally aint scared of shit (except maybe da gotdayum police--i almost shit on myself one time in da wee hours in upper Manhattan at da sight of some fuckin pigs. i aint SCARED of dem bastids as much as i just don't like em CUZ i been harassed so gotdayum much. a pig RECENTLY oinked at me he gonna talk DOWN 2 my level in rephrasin a dumbass q he asked me n i QUICKLY corrected his ass n told him NO u gonna talk UP 2 my level) when traveling, i GO 2 da muhfuckin hood when POSSIBLE. da ONLY places i DIDNT go 2 wuzz da Cabrini Green projects in Chitown n da Calliope projects in Nawlins. i can handle myself but i aint bulletproof. i wuzz on da way 2 Calliope when an angel whispered 2 me 2 ask somebody would i have any trouble scoopin up a hoodrat n da guy told me i better take my ass 2 Lafayette 4 dat shit.
anywho, i WUZZ of da mindset dat i would tell a muhfucka how CRAZY dey wuzz 2 be fuckin wif ME if somebody EVVA tried 2 stick me up. i SAW a muhfuckin gun, FEAR took over n i USAINed (dess BOLTed--guaranfuckinTEED i'd had HIM beat 4 da 1st 60 or 70 yards). i calmed down when i slowed down n said i aint goin out like no bitchass ginger--i wuzz gonna DIE FIGHTIN. UNCONTROLLED FEAR for less denna minnit.
a coupla weeks ago, my heart wuzz fuckin wif me afta i climbed out some pussy. i had smoked some bullshit weed dat wuzz laced wif SUMPN. i probly wuzz carryin 225 or 230--i even SAID 2 her my fat izz fuckin up my flow. 15 minnits i wuzz fuckin DONE. Short of breath, i wuzz dizzy b4 i left her house. i dayum near CRAWLED 2 a nearby store 2 get me some water. da storeowner asked me wuzz i ok n i could only point at my chest. he asked me did i want him 2 call an ambulance n i shook my head NO (i wuzz a stone's throw from John Hopkins Hospital but FUCK dem--if amerikkka aint a wasteland in 20 years, Baltimore gonna b Johns Hopkins Corporate Municipality).
i sat on da store steps WONDERING if i wuzz gonna DIE. ALL i WANTED wuzz 2 catch my breath. after a coupla minnits da pain subsided, but i wuzz still SHORT of breath. i wuzz SCARED when i sat down, but i CONTROLLLED da fear KNOWIN a fat lady SOMEWHERE would b singin her ass off if i panicked. i got enuf strength 2 get on my feet CUZ i aint wanna DIE sittin on dem gotdayum steps. my knees buckled after a few steps n thought 2 myself i wuzzint gonna make it. STILL CALM, i leaned against a fence, prayed for STRENGTH, n had DAT prayer answered. i walked home REAL slow. i survived DAT episode.
rafi made a comment about playin SCARED n i pointed out da BETTER part of VALOR aint FEAR. his deafness izz 4givable since da shit wuzz written n not oral. i closed by sayin i KNOW WHAT FEAR IZZ n AINT. n dat da WISE CONTROL dey FEAR n CHANNEL it when dey don't.