If you don't know where to begin, try the beginning...

Aug 02, 2008 14:11

i've forgotten how much of the backchatter is in WORD FREAK, but neither the book nor the movie delved into--or even ASKED WHY--i continue to compete in tourneys despite a flatout HATE of the structure.

i have LONG argued that using spread as tiebreaker is plain fucking stupid BECAUSE it is much more reflective of what is drawn rather then the proficient use of whatever might be drawn. SKILL, i argued, could ONLY be measured by examining each move of each game. Those who disagreed often countered with the observation that certain players always accumulate high spread. Given simply that fact, high spread must be related to SKILL. IF NECESSARY, REREAD this paragraph. i won't bother (cannot be bothered) to explain the nature of the universe to those ill-equipped to comprehend (scrabble aint played inna vacuum--da SAME shit dat occur in other games happen in scrabble. performance izz subject 2 IN n OUTside influence--u fuck up while playin one person n play like yo gotdayum life dependin on it when u play anuvva).

Observation of ANY end result such as scoring averages or differentials ignore how the result was obtained. That obvious blunders sometimes are fortuitous for the blunderer while near perfect play often goes unrewarded and is ALWAYS at the mercy of PURE CHANCE should be sufficient evidence with due consideration. But long held traditions and ideas die hard even when such is clearly wrong.

i'm tired now, so maybe i'll finish tomorrow. my intent wuzz 2 explain how n why tourney scrabble izz so fucked up. John Williams name will come up--n i'll likely explain in GREAT DETAIL how he culpable 2 da degree which i am AWARE. i'ma also repeat summa da shit i seen written in lj 2 reiterate da shit i been sayin 4 2 many fuckin YEARS. i'ma EVEN write almost exclusively in english. WHY?? maybe 2 amuse my gotdayum self. juss take from dhis dat i HATE n have always HATED da structure of tourney scrabble, but i competed 4 15 years. 15 years of doin some stupid shit i disagree wif could only make me mad as a muhfucka. Smokin izz some stupid shit i did 4 30 years n i aint mad bout dat (not dat i AGREE wif it, moron, don't miss da point).

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