Cialis or Placebo? Doesn't Matter
Doctors and Scientists proved on Thursday that female sexual dysfunction is all in the woman's mind. In a study that was released by the Journal of Sexual Medicine and then regurgitated by
CNN, women engaged in a study about sexual dysfunction... or their lack of wanting to get it on. Some women from the study were chosen at random to be given a placebo sugar pill rather than
cheap viagra.
Amazingly, the
cheap cialis did little to improve the women's sex drives, but the sugar pills worked wonders. Women on placebo pills reported that their sex lives actually got better over the 12 weeks of observation... Doctors say the change came from the women simply paying more attention to their sex lives rather than whatever else these women usually did. Thus, the problem all along was a lack of attention to the va-jay-jay.
Men, you got to take care of woman's pussey cat, or she forgets how to use it. But if you ever do forget, give her some sugar, tell her it's something that'll help her dysfunction (like coke or molly) and she'll likely believe you.