Last night Matthew and I went to the Peaches show. It was fucking amazing. Unfortunately I didn’t bring my camera because I figured there would be a bag search of some kind and that cameras weren’t allowed. But I was wrong, and people were snapping shots the entire night. Anyways, she was great. I was incredibly surprised with her strong vocals in person. And she put on one hell of a show. I also fell in love with her opening act, Stink Mitt. Those girls can fucking rap their asses off. They’re pretty much like a female version of The Beastie Boys, with a slight twist of electrofunk. I fucking love it. It probably also helped that we enjoyed some lovely treats beforehand.
PeachesStink Mitt Fuck yeah.
So, the BC trip is getting closer and closer and now I really only have two days until I leave at eight on Wednesday evening. So I’ll be getting into Vancouver at about 11:15am BC time, assuming the bus isn’t late. Which probably won’t happen, because every single time I’ve ever taken the bus, it hasn’t arrived/departed exactly on schedule. But unlike last time, I don’t get to chill in Vancouver for the day because Teresa and I have to run our asses off to get back to the coast in time for her to work at 4pm hahaha. We’re pretty fucking good at planning. And oh man, I’m super peeved that my mp3 player is such a piece of death crap. It holds all of 12 songs. Which will play in less than a half an hour. So for my lovely 18-hour bus ride, that’s just going to be greaaat. So hopefully Matthew will lend me his just for the trip. If not… Friendship over.
My hip is acting up. Seriously, I feel like I’m 93. I think it’s because I cross my legs too much at the computer in my room. My chair is like weirdly broken because of my dad and when you sit in it, it curves to one side. I barely even notice it anymore, but whenever friends come over they constantly ask how I can even sit in it. So anyways, now every time I go to bed and wake up, my left hip feels like it’s crushing itself. So… No thanks?
Well I’m at Matthew’s and I’m incredibly bored because he’s at work. So I think I’ll go have a shower and a cigarette and walk over to his work for the duration of his shift. Peace out motherfuckers.