Jul 13, 2011 17:01
[Hi, Mayfield! It's time for a Public Service Announcement from your friendly neighborhood cuttleman. He sounds kind of panicked (more than usual) and is tripping over his words (more than usual). This is because he's in stage four secret-spilling mode!]
So, um, everyone knows that Annie Goldstein -- you know, my friend, Annie Goldstein, the one w-with the huge hair and the copious amounts of d-drycleaning and the cool car -- is a werewolf, r-right? Well okay so during that period a few w-weeks back when everyone w-was killing each other which I was actually droned for I think she went kind of c-crazy apparently? Or something?
And so s-she asked me to kill her if that ever happened again s-since I'm the only one who knows how to do it because she told me this one t-time even though I probably wouldn't be able to do it b-because I'm a wuss and it r-really scared me. B-but she made me go out and buy these plants? You have to use wolfsbane or m-mountain ash or mistletoe and I could only f-find mistletoe here but I bet you could get the rest pretty easily if you looked. But s-she was telling me that, you know, silver bullets and crosses and things are just superstitious b-b-bullsh-sh-... silliness.
B-but I really d-don't think I could k-kill her if a situation came up w-where I had to...
Also she's p-probably going to k-kill me for telling you all this so um. See you tomorrow I guess.
!event: speak up