Fourth Tentacle

Jan 15, 2011 12:49

[There's something different about Daniel Chroma today. That is, his screaming seems to be a lot more high-pitched. He is no longer an overly-nervous twenty-nine year old. Now he is a positively overwhelmed thirteen year old. Being de-aged means that all of his memories of Mayfield are gone, and now he just wants to know where the hell his nice little citybubble on Terra 5 went.

And you thought things couldn't get worse, Mayfield.

You were wrong. So wrong that we need several scenarios to prove it.

A. Daniel is running through the streets, shouting very, very loudly for his mother and apparently on the verge of tears. Simple things like cars and drone dogs and fire hydrants apparently terrify him.

B. Daniel has found the park and is hiding under a bench, sniffling pathetically.

C. Daniel is knocking at your door, looking super pathetic with those big green eyes. Do you offer help and/or cookies, y/n?]

{All replies will be from futurecalamari }

!action, !event: player: babbies

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