Second Tentacle

Jan 01, 2011 21:53

[Well, villagers of Mayfield, this is probably a sight you thought you'd never see. Mainly, Daniel Chroma, that man who was sobbing at you over the phone not too long ago, not only out of his house but carrying...


Oh good lord.

Well, he did offer to pick up Annie's dry-cleaning, and it looks like Daniel Chroma is a man of his word. In the usual dry-cleaning bag there is... a pair of rather nice-looking pink silk panties. Daniel, for very obvious reasons, is trying to keep this fact hidden by holding them just so, but it's really kind of hard to mistake them for anything else once you've seen.

He'll just be scooting over to Annie's house as quick as possible and knocking on her door, hoping to be let in REALLY FAST. He probably won't be.]

A-annie? Are you in? Please be in.

[ooc: Feel free to meet him before he's arrived at Annie's, or while he's standing desperately on her porch waiting to be let in. All threads will take place BEFORE the thread with Annie unless specifically stated otherwise.]


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