A couple of things happened the past weeks and weighed me down pretty much. I was not only physically exhausted (from the projects) but emotionally shaken from shocking revelations about people.
...I would go through work crunching my heart in exhaustion. And I would stare in shock being told I was never a friend ever.
Both cut my heart deep.
And so I 'stoned through each day keeping to my commitments.
I might not always be happy, but there's always something to be happy about each day.
MiRACLE 1.2.3
(1) Rainbow CK Sale! after the Storm
13 Mar 09, Friday
It was groomy day and I was polluting the office with my frowns and sighs. Everyone wanted something on Mon, but there was just one me!!! ...Wish there's an email sys. that sends a prompt when the 'TASKBOX is full:
"Sorry. All our operators (meaning me!) are busy. Please hold or try again."
And, proceed to purge the mail. ;)
But till that happens, I could only settle with email overdose. *Blahhhh!
My sweet neighbour, yanne, suggested a quick lunch-out cum checking out a warehouse shoe sale nearby. And off we went! There was no parking lot near the eatery we wanted to go, and so I drove thinking we might check more lot on the lanes to the right. But alas! driving on, the road became a one-way street (No right lane and NO U-turn!). My heart sank and I lamented "Alamak! Can only turn left!" and kept driving on.
And ALAS, there was a new food court round the corner with $2 chicken rice! Yanne and I exclaimed with joy at our suprised find!!! :D It was better than the one we had wanted to go!
Gleaning wide, we got our lunch and sat afresco, Happy and amazed. :)
As we were enjoying and chatting...the wind got stronger and the sky got darker. And, it started to rain. Not just rain...it poured so hard we had to shift inside the alfresco food court so many times amidst the gusty wind!!!
By the time we were done with lunch, there was little time left for the warehouse sale. I was to attend a training in 20 minutes' time! Yanne and I decided to return to office in the rain. And amidst my many lost turns on the tiny road, I received a sudden call from the vendor. She apologised for the rain and said she could only arrive half an hour later. My heart skipped a bit..really?...and I repeated what she said. Yes, it was confirmed. The meeting would start half an hour later! ....meaning I could check out the sale now!!! Yeah!!! :)
Well, of course, I shouldn't let it all out before the vendor...that'd be too unprofessional!!! And so, I tried containing my excitement and replied in a matter-of-factly-understanding manner...."Ohhhhh sure, no worries. We will start at 130 pm." *Grin Grin!* :D
And, off yanne and me swerved to the warehouse! 30 minutes of shopping!!! How sweeeeet!!!
...a pity neither of us picked anything up from the sale...no shoes! Except a bag each. But we're both happy in e.v.e.r.y way! Geeeeeeee! :D
(2) When You Decide Wholeheartedly, Be Wholehearted.
14 March 09, Saturday
This week was the annual G12 conference. Only able to attend it after work the first two nights And not today for I was helping out at Darlie's wedding the whole day. Am gonna miss Delirious! in action at the closure of the conference tonight.
Was sad for I've enjoyed their music yet not seen them in person; not even pix of them on CD. I struggled for this was gonna be the last 'live performance here in Singapore. Delirious will no longer sing after this year. I've thought of a good solution; I'd help out to the end of the wedding and rush to the venue. No matter how late it might be.
I thought about it many days before finally making up my mind! I shall help out at the wedding wholeheartedly. I reckoned my friend has only one wedding and I can always get Delirious CD in the store....so Delirious can wait. I shall bless Darlie and Jos wholeheartedly! :D
With that, I enjoyed the wedding wholeheartedly. It was such a joy to bask in their wedding bliss!!! Bet Jos would rem the sunny love-song dedication at the basketball court for life heheh!!!! :D
Oh btw, I did attend the conference the past two nights too.
And SURRRPRISED!!!!....DELIRIOUS was leading worship last night!!! Imagine my frown rushing from work diffusing to wide-eyed as I hurried into the auditorium. It can't be!...NO WAY (my mind screeeammed!!!) I tried peering through the spot light on stage...YES, IT IS!!! My heart skipped with JOY!
Am so thankful.
(*A pity my camera was batt flat! And so, I simply basked in the Love of God enjoying every bit of it! :))))
(3) Rest is Good.
18 March 09, Wed
Have been physically exhausted in every way and when hit at heart, even Humpty Dumpty would crash down. And that was what happened to me. I fell down....like Humpty Dumpty! No more energy to follow after. No more energy to fix things up. Enough is enough.
The body broke down. I surrendered. The doc gave an MC. The body slept right through the medication.
Much better now.
Found this cheer on my desk when I reached the office in the morning. It brought a BIG SMILE on my face! Am Deeply touched!!! Thanks, yanne. *huggssss!
P.S, Delirious worshipped at sun svc 15 Mar 09 . Happy my cam was full batt!
Delirous. The Band. Check it out
God is Good! :)