Halfway there. Half to go!

Mar 11, 2009 00:57

The year began with the daunting challenge of managing over 40 project teams. And I really meant DAUNTING for I've neither the clue nor means in doing that. Have you? ....And worse, no one in the radar zone has done it either. Blahhhhhhh...virgin launch of Missle Incredible!

Yet, what must be done...must be done! And so, with urnest (and desperate!) prayers...I took each day at a time. Jan and Feb were preparation time. ....Planning and sourcing for partners. Come Mar is execution time. ...Yes now. And each day is exciting...you either execute the project or be executed. ...Not excuted by standard per se but the awful sense of personal defeat. Hate to have to deal with it and do recovery.


The past week has been disappointing. Not 'cos the teams didn't do their part but the partners withdrew last minute! It was saddening to see the disappointment on the faces of the teams. It was heartbreaking to know they have put in so much effort and were so hopeful!

But, great lessons learnt!!! Some teams stepped up and became stronger....in terms of negotiation skills and organisational skills. The resilience in them is commendable! For those who are still hurting or conceded defeat, I can only continue to pray and guide along the way.


Someone reminded...this is a marathon, not a race. Pace it out!

Wise reminder.


god, work

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