Sep 15, 2010 10:34
Is it sad/great/wrong that I've already started my Christmas shopping? Something about this dreary wet grey weather and dark mornings on the way to work has put me in mind of Christmas, and as such I wrote a list yesterday of what I'm going to get for everyone. I fancy doing something crafty and cool like making a load of chutney or jam or something and giving that to people, but then I think, what if people don't like what I made? I might do just a small batch and give it to parents and family because I'm sure they like chutney.
This will probably not happen.
Anyway I have also just started to build my winter wardrobe. I am completely skint at the moment, but I got a bit of money for my birthday and I have £100 coming my way at the end of this month (thank you quidco!) and so I am going to get a few staples (not staples like you would find in a stapler, they wouldn't be much good) like a couple of cheapish long sleeved tops to wear under cardi's, jackets etc, some new jeans, I want some nice thick crochet tights and some boots. Debating ankle or mid calf length. That should do me through winter.
I would like to be the sort of person who can afford to buy nice, expensive, well made clothes that lasts more than one season but at the moment I'm afraid I have to stick with cheap tat that looks nice for the first few times you wear it and then it's time for the bin. False economy I suppose.
Adam and I have been boyfriend and girlfriend for 4 years today so we are going to 'our' restaurant, Yakisoba, as we went there on the night it opened (also almost 4 years ago) and have been many times since and it's lovely. Bento boxes, yum. It's been such a lovely 4 years, it's sad becuase this year has been really rough and I've been really up and down, what with family things and the stress of buying the house, but Adam has been there through thick and thin, it's so good knowing you can really rely on someone and they're not just going to flake out the minute things get tough. I'm a lucky girl :)
I am going to Violet's christening this Sunday, which should be nice. I'm a god parent who doesn't believe in god, that's not right surely? Anyway I have been told I get my own individual chocolate cake so I'm there with bells on. Hopefully my nanna will be back home but if not I will be going to see her in the hospice too, it's only down the road from where the christening is so that's handy.
There is a baby boom at work.2 people off on maternity, one person about to go off, one person just found out they're having twins and upon hearing this news another person announced that their wife is also expecting! Baby madess. It's an expensive time as we have to do collections for them all! I might have to put in a couple of IOUs.