(no subject)

Mar 30, 2008 23:02

I went home today to see my mum and dad. My mum sat me down and said the following :

"I've realised I'm a little bit psychic, and it's ok, I'm not scared or anything, but I just thought you should know."

And apparently when she shared this with my nanna, my nanna said to her "Oh yes you definitely are. Your nanna was too and so am I, you'll probably find out that Katie is too as she gets older"

How crazy is this! My mum and nanna are the most level headed and sensible people imaginable, they're not hippies or into watching Most Haunted or anything like that, so I'm taking this quite seriously.

I always knew my mum was a bit... special? Because she says little things about events before they happen, they're usually little things like when we were driving on holiday once she said 'We've been here before haven't we? And there was a dead brown badger by the side of the road?' and my dad told her that we'd never even been to that area of the country before. Then 2 mins later we turned the corner and there was the dead brown badger. But there's always been little things like that. Last week her friend from work died suddenly, a young man called Dan. A few weeks ago she had a dream where there was a crowd of people she didn't know, and they were all in a dark place and all of a sudden she woke up because someone shouted 'Daniel' really loudly (in the dream). And she told my dad about it and she thought it was strange because she didn't even know a Daniel. Anyway she forgot about it ,and the other day she went to Dans funeral, and as they were carrying the coffin away his brother shouted his name - Daniel. And then she realised that this was the dream she had. Crazy!

Anyway when she shared this with my nanna, she came up with an even more unexplainable tale. When my nanna and her mum were in the labour camps in Russia (I think it was Russia...) they were all crowded into these dorms to sleep with bunk beds, and each family had one bed with curtians seperating them. My nan and her mum slept on the top bunk. She woke up in the night to find her mum carving a date into the wood on the bunk bed - and it turned out that that was the day she died. She was killed by a land mine.

It's all very strange. I hope I do have special powers. So far all I've done was dreamed about the London bombings the night before it happened, I dreamed that a double decker bus exploded, but that was probably just coincidence.

Anyway, I'm so very very tired, Kay came up last night and me and her, and Liz, Sarah and Kay's friend Shaun went to the new Trof (which is awesome) and then to Satans. I got a bit too blotto so spent today feeling very sorry for myself! Adam's been recording 11-11 so should be home soon. I've hardly seen him since Friday!
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