Jeith Drabble Fic

Dec 20, 2010 22:23

Title:  My Ding A-Ling
(oh jeez, I'll get killed for that pun)
Pairing:  Jeith, Jeithford (aka John/Keith/Pete love triangle) if you squint sideways
Rating:  R
Wordcount: 126
Disclaimer: I don't own any members of the Who. I'm broke enough as it is without paying all those hotel bills.
x-posted to who_slash
Summary: Keith answers the phone. Just read it, it's like 100 words, honestly. Like, soon this description will be longer than the fic itself. So I better stop now I guess.

The phone rang four times before Keith picked it up, swinging it around on the cord a few times before answering cheerfully.

"Y'ello, Sexpot Industries, how may I help you? No, I'm sorry, I'm not the manager, I only fuck him. Nope, I'm afraid he - mmm! - he can't come at the moment. Yes, have a bloody wonderful day, sir."

He slammed the phone down with a heavy groan and swore under his breath. He leant back in his chair, closing his eyes slowly.

"Who was that?" John asked him unconcernedly.

"Pete wanted to talk to you. Told 'im you were...fuhhhh ...busy."

John grinned wickedly down at his own fingers. "And indeed I am," he smirked, guiding Keith's cock back to his lips.

slash, jeithford, the who, pete townsend, jeith, john entwistle, pete/john, keith moon, fanfic

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