Fic: Too Good to Be True, 1B/?, WIP

Feb 04, 2011 02:33

Title: Too Good to Be True (1B/?), WIP
Author: cutloosemcgoose (Stasia)
Rating: PG as of now (no sex, minor language)
Spoilers: None for the series
Warnings: Some language ('bitch')
Word Count: 978 for this section
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Supernatural, 10 Things I Hate About You, or Shakespeare. I don't even own a car. I'm making no profit off of this and am here just to play in someone else's sandbox.
Summary: Gabriel Milton is new to Lawrence High, but he's already got his eye on Sam Winchester. Unfortunately, Sam's not going anywhere until his antisocial brother, Dean, starts dating. Gabriel needs a miracle, but he might have to settle for the mysterious Castiel Novak as the solution to his problems.
Author's Notes: This is a High School AU/Crossover of "Supernatural" and "10 Things I Hate About You." You don't need to be familiar with "10 Things I Hate About You" (or its source material, Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew"). Actually, you don't need to be familiar with anything for this, but you may not enjoy it if you don't, at least, know "Supernatural." Several lines are taken from the movie. It's also a work-in-progress.
A million thanks to heathyr_iltp for the original idea (and the phrase "snarky man bitch") and to everyone who commented on the teaser and the first section with their encouragement. Comments and criticism are very welcome. Hope you all enjoy it.

Dean Winchester is pretty sure he’s died and gone to Hell. He’s seen enough horror movies and slasher flicks over the years to form a pretty vivid image of a fiery afterlife, but it’s nothing compared to Mr. Singer’s third-period English class. What it lacks in brimstone and three-headed dogs, it more than makes up for in cut-rate literature and stupid sons of bitches.

“Alright, settle down,” Mr. Singer says gruffly. “We’ve got a book to discuss and I have assignments to hand out. Who’s got something to say about Eliot?”

“I think ‘the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ is so romantic,” sighs Chastity. “The part with the mermaids? That was beautiful.”

Dean can’t stop himself from snorting. Not that he tries very hard. “You’re kidding, right? Jesus, Eliot’s stuff is so full of misogyny, I’d be surprised if some prostitute isn’t buried in his backyard.”

“At least he had company other than his right hand,” Lucifer says lazily, from his seat behind Dean. “Mr. Singer, isn’t there a way to make Dean take his Midol before he comes to class?”

Dean rolls his eyes so hard, he’s amazed they don’t fall out of his head, not that the idiot can see him. “If you think this is bad, just wait until I-“

“Enough,” Mr. Singer says. “Pipe down, Satan. Winchester, go see Ms. Rosen.”

“Mr. Singer-,” Dean starts, but he’s cut off by a finger, pointed at the door.

“Get out of my classroom, Winchester. I don’t get paid to referee pissing matches.”

Dean throws his book back into his bag, being sure to slam Lucifer’s shoulder-hard-as he leaves the room. He considers punching a wall on his way to Ms. Rosen’s, but his dad will kick his ass if he hurts his hand and can’t work. He settles for kicking a garbage can as he comes out of the stairwell.

The trouble started when Sam become a freshman. Okay, technically, the trouble started a hell of a lot earlier than that-when Mom died, back in 1983, or at the very least, when Dean entered ninth grade and made a series of questionable life choices. But all that was the kind of trouble he could handle-the kind he’d been dealing with his whole life. Sammy was another story.

Dean is glad that his brother’s popular; that Sam doesn’t have any trouble making friends; that no one calls him a bitter, self-righteous hag behind his back. He really is. But he also spends most of his time wanting to smack some sense into the kid. Sam made “dating a senior” one of his New Year’s resolutions. He spends more time reading facebook than textbooks. And he’d rather work on his reputation than Mock Trial or the Mathletes or any of the other nerdy clubs Dean used to make fun of him for. It’s like Sam hit high school and decided that being popular was the whole point and he’s driving Dean up a wall with it. Dean spends all of his time worrying about Sam, and he can’t even explain why. Sam wouldn’t get it.

So Dean is stuck at Lawrence High, Hell on Earth, for at least another year while he scrambles to graduate and waits to hear back from colleges. He already knows how well that talk’ll go with his dad; it’s just one more in a long list of things Dean Winchester does not want to deal with.

All his musings bring him to Ms. Rosen’s office. She’s typing intently at her desk, and as Dean walks in, he hears her mutter, ‘Michael seduced Adam with whispered promises of paradise.’ Awkward.

“Ms. Rosen,” Dean says, flopping down into one of the two “guest” chairs. “Pleasure as always.”

“Mr. Winchester. Back again so soon?”

Dean smiles at her. “What can I say, I enjoy our quality time together.”

She rolls her eyes at him. “I’m sure, Dean. I’m actually glad that you’re here. I’d like to discuss a few things with you.”

“Want to bounce some more ideas off of me? I’m not sure I like the alliteration of ‘promises’ and ‘paradise.’”

Ms. Rosen actually blushes at that. She can’t really yell at Dean, though, because he once busted her for writing incestuous, gay porn on a school computer, and he likes to pretend that it’s blackmail material. He would never turn her in, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“No,” she says pointedly. “I want to talk to you about your college paperwork. You were supposed to get a jump start on the FAFSA; did you have trouble completing it?”

“Not exactly, no.”

Ms. Rosen waits a second, then says, “elaborate. And no bullshit, Dean.”

Dean’s so shocked by her cursing-out loud-that he blurts out, “I haven’t talked to my dad yet. About college.”

“Oh, Dean.” Ms. Rosen says, while he focuses on a spot just above her right shoulder. “You need to talk to your dad, eventually, unless you want to file as an independent. And I have to warn you, that’ll be more difficult in the long-run.”

Dean swallows hard. “I know. I’ll get all my paperwork together. I just need a little longer, Ms. Rosen.”

Either Ms. Rosen is really good at reading faces or she’s still thinking about all the graphic sex acts that Dean’s had seared into his brain on account of her writing, because she just says, “okay.” Then she perks up and asks, “so! Made any new friends lately?”

Shit, time to stop Ms. Rosen from thinking that they’ve had some kind of bonding moment here. Dean smirks. “I’d rather talk about whether Michael and Raphael ever made it past third base.”

“Out, Winchester!” Ms. Rosen says, pointing at the door. As he walks out, he hears her murmur, “as Michael slowly coaxed Adam around third base-no, that’s no good,” and has to smile.

fiction, supernatural, sam/gabriel, crossover, 10 things i hate about you, dean/castiel

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