Guys, the internet is awesome when everyone trolls it together

Nov 08, 2010 03:23

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: I need to speak with Carver Edlund
You: Sorry, he's, uh, he's not available right now
You: I could take a message?
Stranger: Is this Becky?
You: Is this Dean?
Stranger: If I said I was Sam would you try to hit on me?
You: No, guys, it's really not Becky. She has some kind of internet "free for all" thing Sunday nights
Stranger: SPNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: If I said it was Chuck, would you yell at me about what's going on?
You: (SPNP forever!)
Stranger: No, but I would like to know where you (~)disappeared to, Chuck.
You: Look, trade secrets, I'm really not supposed to talk about that kind of stuff
You: Spoilers, you know?
Stranger: I can't exactly ask Raphael, now can I?
You: You shouldn't ask anybody, it's kind of a touchy subject for the angels
You: They're not too happy about the situation
Stranger: I'm well aware of that, Chuck. This is Castiel.
You: Crap. I thought it was Sam. Uh, look, Cas...
Stranger: You have no protector right now, Chuck. Should I be worried?
You: Oh, he's still...uh, around. But he'll be in a different vessel the next time you see him. So you should probably watch your back, Cas.
Stranger: Thank you, Chuck. I was already aware of this. As you well know his previous vessel turned to salt before my very eyes.
You: ...yeah, I heard about it. He's not too happy with you right now, Cas.
You: Look, I know things are rough in Heaven right now
You: And I wish I could tell you that it's all going to be OK and that the forces of good will triumph over the forces of moral ambiguity and all that stuff
You: But I can't
Stranger: The reason I needed to speak with you Chuck. Dean. He is testing my not-unlimited patience. You could perhaps tell me of a way he could stop acting like a...what is it that Bobby says? Oh, yes, an "idjit."
Stranger: I would not expect you to, Chuck. I have become used to the lack of such assurances.
You: Wow, way to lay on the guilt trip, Cas. If it's any consolation, I'm sorry
Stranger: I was not aware my statement would imply I believe any guilt should rest on your shoulders.
Stranger: Should I?
You: No! What? No? That's not...I mean, I'm just saying
You: I don't know what the hell I'm saying. That I wish things weren't so crappy in Heaven right now
Stranger: You have written what my Father has asked of that not right?
You: Or what he showed to me, but yeah, it's pretty much the same end result
Stranger: You and I both, Chuck.
You: Ok. Well. About Dean. Who's ever really been able to control him, am I right?
You: I don't know if I can really help
You: I mean, you two have this bond, maybe you can use that to try and reason with him?
Stranger: I've yet to witness anyone who could control him, no.
Stranger: Our bond is profound, this is true. I don't really like to mention it in front of others.
You: Well, after the way Sam reacted, I don't really blame you
Stranger: But then, my "people skills" are "rusty"
You: Yeah, Cas, you gotta take it easy with the finger quotes
You: I don't think you fully grasp their purpose yet
Stranger: Sam is without soul. His reaction no longer concerns me in that regard.
You: Ouch, harsh. But sadly true.
Stranger: I was not exactly concerned with the accuracy of my finger quotes at the time, but I will keep that in mind.
You: You could try getting Dean alone and using your relationship to talk sense into him?
You: Uh, your profound bond, I mean
You: Not implying that you two have a relationship. Or relations. Or anything along those lines, because I'm not
Stranger: I meant that his soul is not present and the philosphical implicatons of that are endless. As such spending time wondering about Sam's feelings, when they are not there, is pointless at this juncture.
You: You do have a good point; I guess as long as Sam's not actively threatening you, he's the least of your problems
Stranger: I don't understand your nervousness, Chuck. The bond Dean and I share is profound, the definition of it is not of import to me.
You: Ha, nervousness? I'm not nervous, why, do I seem nervous to you? Because I'm totally...fine
Stranger: However the bond we share does seem to make Dean uncomfortable.
Stranger: Of course, Chuck.
Stranger: He has rarely seemed cognizant of the greater concerns I have for the state of Heaven and my being, save for how it pertains to him
You: Yeah, I know. I think he has a real problem seeing the forest for the trees sometimes, you know?
Stranger: This is the reason i contacted you. My patience is wearing thin and I am not sure how my loss of it will manifest itself.
You: No smiting!
Stranger: Yes, i do seem to grasp your metaphor.
You: Oh, good.
Stranger: No smiting? Chuck, are you...scolding me?
You: No! I don't scold angels! Especially not super-charged ones who can bring people back to life.
You: I'm just...issuing a gentle suggestion.
You: I don't think smiting will help the situation
Stranger: I am disappointed Chuck. I would not smite Dean. My brothers and I raised him from hell. It would be pointless to smite him after all that he has gone through, Hell or no Hell. I would never return him there or end his life. I may just wish to vent my frustrations.
Stranger: I would not be proud of such an action.
You: ...wait, do you want to vent them to Dean? Or are you venting them right now to me? Oh god, am I Dr. Phil?
Stranger: However his singular vision of his own problems does lend itself to invite violence on his person.
Stranger: ...I have no ideal who this doctor is.
You: Bad pop culture reference, just ignore it
You: Although he does resemble Bobby, if you want a mental image
You: No, forget that!
Stranger: I've experienced that talking to dean rarely has--
Stranger: Bobby?
You: I mean, both balding, big shoulder...ok, they don't really look like each other, but it's the first thing that came to mind
Stranger: No matter. Talking to Dean rarely sems to leave a lasting impression.
You: Don't underestimate yourself, I think you've had a big impact on the way he looks at the world
You: Even if he'd rather have teeth pulled than admit to you. Or Sam. Or anyone, really
Stranger: Thank you, Chuck. That is oddly reassuring.
You: Take it from someone who has literally seen it all, it's true
Stranger: Prophets see many things, Chuck. I've yet to meet one that has seen everything there is. The human mind could not retain such knowledge.
You: Yeah, human's a, uh, funny thing
Stranger: Though I must admit you seem to have witnessed much more than other prophets.
Stranger: My Father seems to enjoy creating complex and often maddening creatures. Beautiful, to be sure. Words fail to describe such things fully.
You: Wow, uh, that's very nice of you. Thanks, Cas.
You: Look, what I meant before was that no one would blame you for snapping and, uh, "inviting violence" on Dean after another "dick" comment. Or something along those lines. But I know you would never permanently hurt Dean or smite him. You're better than that.
Stranger: I appreciate your understanding, Chuck.
You: Here's what I think you should do: find Dean when he's alone and there's nobody there for him to deflect to. And just...explain your concerns about the way he's been acting. And maybe threaten him a little. "I can throw you back in" was one of your best lines, you know?
Stranger: He is infuriating but at some point he must see that this war is bigger that he or I. I am ashamed that my brothers seem to care more for the plans left to us than creations that are a part of it. He must see that this is my primary concern just as Sam is his.
Stranger: I will try that, Chuck. This has been very useful.
You: Any time, Cas. I'm here. I mean, I'm not literally "here," but, you know, I'm here-ish.
Stranger: I understand.
Stranger: I have spent much time using this technology.
Stranger: I must return to the fight very shortly.
You: Cas...I don't know what to say, man.
You: You've got somebody watching over you, you know. I hope things work out for you and Sam and Dean. I wish I could say for sure.
You: Just...keep fighting the good fight, man.
You: Rock on, as Dean would say.
Stranger: Chuck if I was not needed urgently I would very much like to question you on just who could be watching over me. I pray that you mean my father. Thank you for your thoughts.
You: Uh, well, it's a, uh, shame that that civil war is calling, guess we'll just have to talk about that next time then!
Stranger: Perhaps.
Stranger: *mysterious wing noises of angelic proportions*
Stranger: [ok srsly who is this?! I must know.]
You: {cutloosemcgoose, who are you?}
Stranger: {secretbutterfly lol}
You: [you are an amazing cas, oh man, I'm so happy I found you on here}
You: {you kicked ass}
Stranger: {thank you! i've never actually roleplayed before so that means a lot!}
Stranger: {also so happy i found you too i think i tried that carver edlund line 10 times}
You: {haha, I lost count of all the times I tried to find fans. Worth it for the few convos I had}
Stranger: {definitely lol}
Stranger: {you know this epic shit is going in the ffa post if you ahvent done it already, right?}
You: {haha,I was just going to ask if you minded me posting it. I will comment on it gleefully}
Stranger: { o/ }
You: {haha, why don't you post half and I'll post half?
You: {longest convo here for me, btw}
Stranger: {sorry i keep for getting to take caps off}
You: {haha, it's ok. it's my first night, too, but my sam/dean convos were not this good!"
Stranger: {fucking capslock...}
You: {damnit, stupid character limits!}
Stranger: {right?! i'll make it fit. >:|}
You: {actually, should i make part two a comment to yours and keep it all together?}
Stranger: {sure, i was trying to do that. did you see where i left off?}
You: {yeah, let me just rearrange this..}
Stranger: {okie dokie. and i'll post whatever's left after that?}
You: {OK, so i stopped at Stranger: Though I must admit you seem to have witnessed much more than other prophets.}
Stranger: {K, response coming right up}
Stranger: {BAM! We are awesome :DDD}
You: {internet five!}
Stranger: {i'm gonna be all l like FOREVER ALONE if no one reads it rofl}
Stranger: {woot internet5!}
You: {hahah}
You: {let me just say, it was a pleasure talking to you, cas}
Stranger: {the pleasure is mine, chuck. I am a fan of your work.}
Stranger: {..i couldnt resist}
Stranger: {i feel like becky "iiiiit's awesommme!"}
You: {that's, uh, that's very flattering, cas, thank you.}
You: {ha, I can just see that gif in my head as we speak}
Stranger: {rofl me too}
Stranger: {would you mind if I posted this in my LJ too? lol it's be like one of ten not fo entries...}
You: {go for it, I hope everyone appreciates the awesomeness}
Stranger: {AS WELL THEY SHOULD. ...forgot caps again. too lazy to go back. :-P}

In conclusion: why the internet rocks.
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