(no subject)

Nov 19, 2007 20:49

Chapter 2

- Cutler, Cutler ........-was saying his name between groans, while was feeling his lips against his skin, against his neck, a few lips that were and there had always been a temptation for the women, a few thick lips with provocative form. Then, she was not hoping that it was turning and beginning his fingers to take the knots of the corset from her ,but his lips were always put on his skin.

The respiration of her began to hasten when  was feeling like his breasts were liberated of the pressure to which they had been surrendered. Cutler Beckett closed with more force his body against his. His suit seemed to burn with his contact, his skin began to be burning. His fingers were moving more and more rapid while  was undressing the corset.

He was eager be able to touch and to kiss his breasts, a few breasts that were driving it crazy. Whereas it was taking the drees from her, his lips and his breath were on his skin and it was not stopping wailing in silence, it was as if he was lacking the respiration.

- We cannot make love here, Cutler. - said to him breathing with difficulty but it wailed strongly when
 felt the liberation of his breasts and his hands on them. His back arched and brought his body over more against his.

- Yes, if we can, I want to feel you in my interior, G.... Right now, I cannot any more .......-Answered him  pressing more his breasts with his hands while it was closing more his body against  his- Looks, looks what you are doing to me, my pirate. - Cutler Beckett took one his soft hands and led her towards the bulgen of his brechees.

She left  that he   led his hand towards his crotch and when  felt his virility, his powerful virility in excitement, the excitement of her also grew ....

- Yes, yes, I want you ...... I want you ...... Cutler. I want make to love here, here, in the ground, opposite of the chimney .......- She  answered to  him between groans, feeling his hands to press with more force his breasts, his kisses, the heat that was going out of his small body.

Cutler Beckett smiled lightly and his eyes shone of desire, nothing prevented him from turning it again to kiss her and to embrace her more loudly between his arms.

- We will make love .... the love ..... the whole night, without rest ....... I want to feel you the whole night inside me ...-He confessed  to  her between his lips, while one was kissing them, it was bitting them with gentleness. One of his hands was buried in his back, and with another hand it began to come out the froackcoak rapidly  - Your desires are orders for me ..........
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