A Lord and A pirate

Nov 15, 2007 17:04

(Advise; Adults contents)

A white horse stopped in the door of a small house that it was to the outskirts of the city, a house, a center of meeting for two lovers who must be separated but must be close. Every night  he was always going to his meeting.
He, a man of big power in Port Royale, a man who was the fear of the pirates, a man who usually called Cutler Beckett, Lord Cutler Beckett, Supreme Lord of East Indian Trading Company.
Lord Beckett, was covering his face with his black layer not to discover his identity. Down his horse and looked  that the  house´s  light  were lit. G. was inside,  she was already waiting for him. He had  so many desires to embrace her, to her press hard between his arms again that rapidly, with rapid steps, accompanied only by the darkness of the night, his figure moved with rapidity between the night and entered the house. The temperature of the interior was so warm, so delightful for the flames of the fire of  chimney  lounge  that it did that he was coming out the layer, the  black hat and the gloves of black leather that were covering his hands that were frozen.

- G...Are you there? .-Your voice was soft while it was walking along the whole house, wanted  to hear his voice again.

- Yes. Im here Cutler, in the  chimney lounge.

Cutler Beckett when it heard his sweet, agreeable and tender voice, rapidly went to his meeting. He crossed  the entrance hall and when  entered in  the chimney room , he saw the beautiful seated figure of G......Sighed  and a tender smile appeared in his lips, a smile that was much removed of appearing in public, a few feelings that it would never show them before anybody alone before her.Entered  with wide steps and it sat down next to her , taking her of the hand that  he  don´t hesitate to kiss with devotion.
G. ..... when  felt his lips on his hand, a sweet smile appeared in his lips. She placed his hand on his white wig as the snow and caressed her as if it was its own hair.

- Cutler, my love..... I miss you so much ....-said to him she with certain pain in his words because  was suffering when she could not feel it in his arms, when  could not feel it inside her.

He when it heard his words, her looked at the eyes and remained  immersed in his beautiful green, clear, affectionate and sincere eyes, which were shining more for the fire of the chimney, as his long brown  hairs that were falling down for his small white shoulders.

- I do not stop thinking about you every day, do not stop thinking of feeling your body again along with mine, my pirate ....-. His hand went to her neck and long,lustrous hair. His lips rubbed theirs with gentleness, wanting to kiss her . - ..... my slave, my ........ love. - And with these words kissed  her with a savagery that she in a few seconds could not react.

- Cutler ....... Mmmmmmmmm .....- -She closed the eyes and corresponded to his lips. His arms surrounded his strong neck and she closed against him.

Cutler Beckett roared between his lips. He opened theirs to introduce his tongue , wild, uncontrolled, to be able to touch his, soft, tender, sweet. His body seemed socked when he felt  his  breasts to touch his chest , which although he was dressed, it seemed that he could feel  on his skin, a soft and white skin, a skin that it had caressed, kissed and licked so many times.

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