Title: Why did you leave me, a Mini Gov tragedy. Disclaimers: Disney. Rating: G. Characters: Mini Govs. Comments: Tragedy is not my thing, I found it difficult to join! XD Tomorrow I will comment on all your wonderful fic, it is late here in the Netherlands! But I made this for everyone. <3
Title: Tea and champagne. Disclaimers: Disney. Rating: G. Characters: Gov/Chev(From behind) Comments: Sitting on a little bench in the garden, each with a drink. Chevalle's not pictured, Gov's fierce teacup is!
Title: Pretty. Disclaimers: Disney~! And crack. Rating: NSFL. Characters: Gov/Chev. Comments: Chevalle applies lipstick for Gov. COMPLETE AND UTTER CRACK, HORROR, DO NOT CLICK. LOOOL. This is THE freakiest thing I ever drew, but I laughed so hard I have to post it. XD BEWARE.
Title: Pudgeby loses his innocence. Disclaimers: My own characters. <3 Rating: G. Or NSFL because.. no. LOL. Characters: Mini Gov/Mini Chev. Comments: An innocent vacation soon turns into manlove, passion, regret and manlove.
A bit of an old piece. A sketch, actually, more than anything finished. You can still see my frustrated arrows and lines pointing at things and scribbles exclaiming that Mercer's hand really shouldn't be dissolved into Beckett's head, regardless of whatever happened post mortum.
Found notes I scrawlled on the back of it: "So I don't actually know
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Title: The ghosts of Christmas as Mini Govs. Disclaimers: My own characters! Rating: G. Characters: Scrooge's old business partner, ghost of christmas present, past and to come in that order. <3 Comments: Ghost of christmas to come never looked so huggable! Belated but I forgot I had this!
Title: His one weakness. Disclaimers: Disney's characters. Rating: G. Characters: Governor Swann/Capitaine Chevalle. Comments: Weatherby is tired of Chevalle's bossy behavior. HAHA.
Title: On Lord Beckett's naughty list. Disclaimers: Disney's characters. Rating: PG-13 for implied Jack spanking. LOL. Characters: Cutler Beckett, James Norrington, Governor Swann, Jack's tush? Comments: For pktaxwench! I hope you enjoy it!
Title: Fairytales. Disclaimers: Disney's characters. Rating: G. Characters: Little children Gov/Chev. Comments: They're reading fairytales in the library of either of their houses. <3