A fic exchange is where you write a fic for somebody and somebody else writes a fic for you. The posting won't be anonymous this time. Who is writing for you is still supposed to be a surprise but I won't be the one posting the fics for you and there won't be a final revealing post at the very end. Instead, once the due date has come I will make a timeline and everybody can sign up for a day when they want to post (we will probably have a one fic/day posting schedule).
As we have some wonderful artists among us, fanart is also more than welcome.
Important dates:
May 28th (Friday) to June 25th (Friday) - Sign ups!!! (Assignments will be emailed out before the 30th)
August 8th (Sunday) - Deadline for dropping out
August 29 (Sunday) - Due date!!!!! (please keep this in mind)
September 1st (Wednesday) - Posting starts
1) Fics must be over 1000 words in length (that's more or less 3 pages in word I think). If the story is too long to fit one post, please indicate where you want the story split. File formats should be in .doc if possible.
2) All fic must be betaed.
3) The deadline for dropping out is August 8th. If you drop out of the exchange you will not receive a fic/art. The person who is writing for you will instead have their fic as 'to the community'.
4) All fics/art must be new, you cannot re-use fics. You cannot post a WIP (work in progress) either. Your fics must not be sequels to other works as your recipient might not have read them. However, on the subject of fanon OCs, this is dependent on the preferences of your recipient. (For example if you wish to have
ophelivia 's Rose Gillette in the fic you receive then it's your decision whether it's ok if the story is based on Rose's own fic, Song in Red and Gray, or not)
5) I would ask that people take a more conservative view of their recipient's prompts. For example, if your recipient doesn't have something like necrophilia listed on their squick list, do not assume that they will automatically like it. As a mod, I'm happy to contact participants to clarify. Try to use their kink and prompt list as a basis, but if you feel you need to diverge, then try not to include things that you know some people may dislike: like chan, necrophilia, character death, OCs etc.
6) If you vanish, I will attempt to contact you a couple of days before the final deadline. You will have two days to respond. I will send you another email (and LJ comment and PM) after this point. If you still do not respond within a day, then I will remove you from the fic exchange and reassign your prompt.
7) Please do not tell anybody before the posting who you are writing for or what you are writing. Obviously your beta does not count.
IMPORTANT: As this exchange takes place in
cutler_beckett , Beckett obviously has to feature in the stories at least to some extent. He doesn't have to be the main character, he doesn't have to be part of the story's main pairing (if there is one), but he has to appear at least once or his shadow has to loom in the background constantly. I am fairly easy when it comes to this, but please don't force me into a situation where I have to take a fic out of the exchange because it doesn't meet this (or any of the other) criteria.
If in doubt, you can always write me a private message or an email (my address is: You can also contact me on AIM, my screenname is SunsetDawn20.