Second Summer Fic Exchange

May 28, 2010 14:05

I know we have another challenge going on at the moment but I didn't want to make the same mistake as last year and not leave enough time for you to complete your fics without having to hurry. The current challenge will be long over by the time this gets properly started anyway, besides only 4 people are taking part in that so...

The rules are the same as last year, with one tiny difference, so I'm going to repost the modified rules in a sec. For newish members here's a link to all the stories we wrote last year.

Also, I have a question, and this is totally up to you guys. As this last challenge quite accurately demonstrated we have become a really teeny tiny community, there are periods with great output and the fact that we get out as much as we do even though we are so few is already a wonderful achievement (and I love you all for simply being still around) but I was wondering if I should pimp the upcoming exchange in other PotC communities. It's totally up to you. And I understand concerns about Sparrabeth and Will/Jack shippers flooding the exchange, I really don't want that either, trust me, but we have the "Beckett must feature in the fic" rule, besides, the form you fill out in the sign up post  is there to make sure you don't get something you don't want.

The decision is yours. I'm not suggesting this to make the exchange into a huge event, but having three or four people take part isn't as exciting as ten-ish like last time. 

mod post, fic exchange 2010

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