So, I've heard of this "25 random things" list were you write out 25 random facts about two characters (or one, if you so desire) and I decided to do Beckett and Mercer because uh...I could. Oh, for those that care, not slash. Or not obvious slash, for those that see the world through slash tinted glasses, it's there, if you squint.
er, yes, here they be. )
I admit it, I see the world through slash tinted glasses... generally speaking anyway... :D
What I want to know is what Beckett was buying that was chartruese coloured that Mercer was so objectionable about ;D
I love your pics by the way
Someone needs to write that. Seriously.
And I'm glad you're enjoying the icons, sadly I can't claim that they're mine.
I sneaked a peek at all of your icons and even the ones that aren't Beckett I love. Especially the Napoleon ones.
hehe, well I'm flattered. Oh lord I'm such a Napoleon buff, it's not even funny. I need a Cranmer and a Parris icon as anyone who knows me can attest to my slight fascination with them. But, glad you liked!
I love Napoleon. I read anything I can get my hands on if it's about him. :D
Have you read Napoleon; A Political Life by Steven Englund? I thought it very well researched and written, it's one of my favorites on him, biography wise. Movie wise watch 'Monsieur N'- a 'what if' story that's actually really well done. Takes place post 1815 abdicated when he's on St. Helena (I don't feel like doing the accent so you get the English version of the island).
Sorry, I love foisting my favorites onto people xD
By all means foist away. :D
As for Monsieur N - well, see it via whatever means possible! If you lived in Toronto I'd offer an awkward meeting up and could give you a stick with it on it, but I don't think you do xD
Let's see here,
Napoleon and Wellington by Andrew Roberts is all right, in interesting comparison with the two men. But I feel he's a little harsh on Bonaparte (but then, I am such a Bonapartist my view may be a little skewed). Bah, most of my other books on him are at home, I only brought the important ones to college xD
If you have any, feel free to foist back :D
Alas that I am in Virginia with no means of transportation. :( But I will get around to seeing it! :D
I know how you feel. I wrote a fictional story about Napoleon for a writing class I was in and this girl (who had to be 5 feet nothing) was like, "I knew who it was from the beginning because there is only one famous person shorter than me." and I was like, "Excuse me?" So yeah, I understand.
Honestly, the only actual book I've read about him was The Murder of Napoleon by David Hapgood. It was okay. I only really liked it during the parts they had set back when he was on St. Helena.
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