This is a strange story but it’s not a fiction, even if it looks like a sort of pirates treasure hunt.
Some days ago a friend of mine mailed me: “ Read this!”. It was a post in T&T Worldplayer forum and it talked about a bonus disc sold free buying AWE dvd. In this bonus you can find 45 minutes of extras never included in AWE dvd. Titles: Pirates
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Comments 41
But others here talk about this Best Buy. You can also try! :-)
Poor Tom. I wished I was there to comfort him, or pounce on him, whichever is better!
Thank you so much for posting!
Upload? It's huge! Some more pics in case...
Lennoxmacbeth found it at Best Buy, you can try as well.
Have seen the 'hidden Disk' of Part 1, but I didn't know anything about THAT DVD
I want one, too!
But.... It's curios, Isn't it, that Disney don't sell it as (erm... is the word 'open' fitting here?) as all the other DVDs?
Imean, they only want to make money, so the should sell all things they could!
(I want the not shown scenes of part two and three with Norrington, damnit!)
But this disc is just a making of, no cut scenes (unfortunately).
ADDENDUM: I've changed on Ebay - it seems to be the Best Buy Bonus DVD in the US.
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